Went two years no vaccine and had covid twice with zero issues...

Went two years no vaccine and had covid twice with zero issues. But tonight I finally have to get the pfizer vaccine to work. Its over. How will it affect my gains? What to expect

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You might feel kinda sick for a few days but thats probably it.

try google

I trust anectodal and /fit experiences over jewgle anyday.

Had to get it for work as well. It didn't affect me at all user, I was able to do a heavy workout the day of. Had some soreness at the injection site, but very negligible. No fever or any of that bullshit the day after, or at least I couldn't tell.

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Just forge a card

>waa waa i have to get this thing that is beneficial

Grow the fuck up.

zero effect on gains unless you feel feverish afterwards. unless you are the unlucky 1/20,000 young males and myocarditis impacts your cardio for the next couples of months.
i recommend hitting shoulders after the shot so they arent as sore the next day. idk why it worked but when i got the second dose and i did it my delt wasnt sore unlike the first dose.

>Have to
No you don't, cuck.

Get a different job. Covid is over.

I wish it was that simple bros, im fucked and need money and have no choice

When it comes to work they check the medical record

>I'm going to get an experimental vaccination so I can keep being paid minimum wage and keep paying taxes to a government that hates me
>N-no you don't understand..it's different for me!

No, everyone had the exact same excuse, how their situation warranted it, etc. If everyone just stopped being a fucking retard for two seconds and didn't capitulate, this shit would have stopped within the week. But no, everyone and their mother is the exception as to why THEY need it. If you don't want it, then don't get it. Stop being a pussy. I refuse to be dragged into oblivion by the smooth-brain masses.

Quit your job

>What to expect
literally nothing except maybe a stiff arm for a day in the injection spot like others shots and maybe not feeling that great for a day then you forget about it

Have fun with your sides faggot

Did you not hear about the bombshell pfizer docs that just dropped listing a plethora of sides and thousands dying? Lmfao

Just be homeless bro.


This, anyone who took the jab saying "wahhh i had to"

No you didnt, youre just a pussy

It's the same reason cops will enforce tyranny, because they have a kid to feed they NEED the money.

“Of mankind we may say in general they are fickle, hypocritical, and greedy of gain.” - Niccolò Machiavelli, The Prince

What should i do user? I have no other choices for money. Do i become homeless to stick it to the man?

Shut the fuck up you coward. There's plenty of people who will pay you to do anything, cash in hand if you stopped lapping up BigTechCorp's rancid shit for 5 seconds.

And even if that were not the case, I would still prefer to be sleeping on a park bench and stealing food than sacrifice my bodily autonomy for globohomo company #2305. I honestly and genuinely cannot think of anything more fucking pathetic than going against your own principles so you can get paid pennies on the dollar.

I live in Los angeles , give me 5 options with no experience tomorrow then faggot. I have a few job leads and need jab. I dont know what else to do, youre way of thinking is "JUST". But yes fuck the vaccine and fuck globohomo

>I have no other choices for money.
Thats where you're wrong, buddy. No one is asking you to become homeless, although that may be preferable to dying or suffering the horrible disorders and sides.

End of the day, there are tons of ways to make money, you just dont know how other than the one specific way. Maybe try to develop a skill or find some service you can provide of value to people worth paying for. Its not easy to make money or everyone would do it, but cant count how many zoomers are making a living doing retardedly easy shit. You could flip cheap stuff you find online in bulk at a discount, you could sell drugs, you could teach, you could make nick nacks or start a small etsy business, all kinds of things you can do, you just have to put an effort in to figure it out