Why don't manlets just do leg lengthening surgery?

Why don't manlets just do leg lengthening surgery?

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doesnt it completely fuck up your leverage so you can't squat anymore?

It just feels like a cope. Like that side part balding men have.

>wearing shorts

God he looks stupid in the second pic.

Is this the male equivalent of a Brazilian butt lift?

because you just make do with what you got. you do your best with the cards you got dealt.

>reads the Bumble study once

Yes. Deadlifting too.

Inshallah if you call this fitness related I will fuck you in half.

yeah i was born 6'1 though, deadlifting is ez mode though

Ah yes, the Jack Hanma way

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Because I’d rather keep my agility and ability to perform basic functions like squatting and bending over without fucking something up because of the surgery over a few inches of height.

Why would I want to be tall?

Reminder that neck rings don't actually make your neck longer, they push your shoulders/ribs down.

Damn your moms pussy must have been blown out even more.

Wtf it's a manlet with oversized shins now. You want long femurs not tibias. And he's still shorter than me, 190cm.

No, you'll recover as long as you don't lengthen a stupid amount.
bad advice

long femurs look weird imo

Looks natural, just admit it already long femurs, short torso is the most aesthetic combination.
190.5* I'm 6'3"

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Its about being proportional. His femurs need to be longer or he looks like some bird man. Also his arm length doesn't match his height.

It does make it rather difficult for me to squat but I just go wide. I can not go below parallel but I'm not a powerlifter anyway. scarysymptoms.com/2015/10/long-femurs-vs-short-shins-when-trouble/