How the fuck do I cook rice to be edible? I'd rather eat dry oats

How the fuck do I cook rice to be edible? I'd rather eat dry oats.
Obviously just cooked rice with a bit of salt doesn't work for me

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there are better and tastier options than rice

Cook rice then mix it into actually good food like pork and beef

why was this so fucking hard? u dont need to eat rice

Look up different types of rice, coconut rice, pilau etc... Or eat it with some kind of sauce/curry or cooked in a dish like biryani or something. Plain rice with no sauce or flavour is dogshit, I'd rather just eat bread and butter with my meat instead.

>1:1 in a rice cooker

It's pretty packed with nutrients and besides rice, potatoes and beans, I don't know what else to eat to be equally satiating (I'm fasting for 7 weeks, the religious fast)

Put 1 chicken stock cube in the water

They make these amazing devices for cooking rice perfectly almost everytime. They are called rice cookers. Not a new invention

>Fry up some diced onion until translucent
>Add finely diced garlic
>Add rice
>Add salt
>Add water


Reading comprehension : 100

Look for better rice. Where I live, most of the shops sell this awful low quality one. Once cooked it becomes a fucking mash with some hard inner shells

If you buy a good quality one (and no it doesn't to be more expensive) it will be more on a prepared rice side (obviously it still will be a normal rice)

There's also a type of rice that likes like oats

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>If you buy a good quality one
Parboiled rice that is. Looks like this and it's really goos

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Jasmine or basmati, just over 1:1 ratio with water, 5 minutes on high in instant pot, 10 minute natural release.

Like other anons have said, buy a rice cooker. Tiger or Zojirushi.
Your rice is probably under cooked and hard as shit.

onions sauce

bulgur has way better macros

>How the fuck do I cook rice to be edible?
Rice cooker. I regularly eat 1000 kcals worth of rice in 10 minutes. I can't imagine trying to bulk without rice.

use butter and broth

Bro just make it in a large pan or other type of cooking pot.
I've been doing meal prep and making 700g's of it is the easiest part of the whole thing.

a teaspoon of olive oil and some seasoning aren't going to kill you, or you can just eat it with meat, eggs, vegetables or whatever else you are eating for that meal. How hard can it fucking be? Why are you eating unseasoned boiled rice? Not that it tastes bad if you get quality stuff as other anons said, but come on