I have hashimotos, should I go on thyroid meds?

Or should I try to treat it with diet?

my tsh is slightly high, t3/t4 normal but antibodies are both elevated

Should I just wait to become hypothyroid or should I just start treating it?

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I don't want to lose my hair but it seems like both thyroid and the meds cause hair loss

diverse health services just did a video "putting it all together" where they talk about hashimotos around the 40min mark. These guys cure just about everything with 30 dollar supplements.

I'll check it out but desu I'm a bit skeptical about plp saying they can cure an autoimmune disorder. From what I understnad, there isn't really a cure.

we're just waiting for the body to eventually destroy the thyroid

i have too
İ feel like 70 years old. Tired/sleepy all the time. Lifting doesnt help.

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do you take the meds?

i think biotin or b vitamins made my hair grow back (there was a slight loss).

you mean b12?

with selenium supp.
tests results are getting better.

B complex.

Good luck with that shit, my ex had that and I fucking hated living with her. She had to switch to her autoimmune diet and I hated it. She would just lay around all day and talk about how tired she was, never wanted to do anything.

why didn;t she take the meds?

i'm not sure they mentioned curing hashimotos, just like they would never say they know how to cure cancer or ditabeatus type 1, but they can help keep your tyroid optimized. Pretty sure their treatment plan for something like that is private information.

why don't you take t3/t4 out of curiosity?


here is their thyroid video.

My thyroid straight up stopped working at 16, I've been taking thyroid meds since then. Don't really feel much different desu, am 24 now. I've never really been told what caused it, I blame microplastics but that's just a schizo cope

did you take accutane by any chance?

what made you go on the drugs in the first place if you didn't feel any different back then?

also, did your mom have hypothyroidism/hashimotos?

Nigga go and ask a doctor, not Any Forums. Do a blood test, check your TSH, ask an endocrinologist if the results are reasonable for a person your age.
I have autoimmune thyroiditis, going on thyroxin supplements changed my life. Selenium doesn't do shit.

Carnivore diet, you are welcomed.

doctors are a meme, they got me in to this mess in the first place. I just go to them to get bloods

>oing on thyroxin supplements changed my life. How so? did you take meds as well? what supplement did you take?

>Selenium doesn't do shit.

It didn't do much for me but I heard it decreases TPO a little

won't keto just fuck me up more? I remember doing keto and when I had a few carbs, I felt worse. Think it exacerbates the problem long term

also, eating meat all the time is depressing and will lead me towards cancer.