Gym bully masterrace reporting in. Run that bitch...

Gym bully masterrace reporting in. Run that bitch. I've been doing this social experiment to see who is alpha and who is beta in my gym. Turns out 99% of my gym is beta. What I'll do is I will purposely leave my weights on the bar and dumbbells on the floor after I'm done. I think I've had maybe only one or two wanna- be tough guys actually say something to me. Everyone else just deals with it. Some even rerack them for me. If this social experiment has taught me anything it's that most people are intimidated by authoritative figures and will do almost anything to avoid confrontation followed immediately by pain administered by said authoritative figures.

>mfw I see beta dyels rerack my weights like the cockroaches they are.

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People probably think you’re homeless or mentally unstable and are just trying to avoid you.


i wouldnt do anything because i dont give a fuck lmao call the gym jannies or some shit

you're a nigger but actually reracking your shit is turbofaggot aids tier, I'd just leave that shit there it's none of my business

also you're a nigger

if you see someone at the gym everyday, you aren't going to start shit over them not racking weights once (unless you're some midget with napoleon complex)

Unironically, I went to a niggergym near me for the first time since a buddy of mine invited me, didn't pay, just sneaked in the back entrance. Place legit hasn't been renovated since the 70s, I went Karate there once as a kid and I still remembered how the scent was the exact same, place is a dump.

I used 4 or so sets of different dumbells and threw them on the floor, there was some paki in the room training too and asked me to pick them up. Told him they weren't mine and walked out lol.

I am mentally unstable. Got a problem limp dick?

Imagine OP telling this to his kids in 20 years.

How’s high school going? You keeping your grades up?

bold of you to assume this tranny is ever going to have children.

Are you that faggot with shitty blonde beard always wearing tight shorts and cap. If so, picrel cause you're just lazy since you hide dumbbells and resistance bands under benches.

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When your parents die and there’s no one to support you you’re going to have to live on the streets. You’ll be one of those guys that smells like piss and walks around in a blanket yelling at everyone.

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God I hope OP doesn't think making a mess of the gym makes him "alpha". It is just a bait word that nobody uses outside of basket weaving forums.
You don't need to put all of your weights back for every single thing you do, especially if someone is waiting for your station. You DO need to leave it in some form of order that doesn't make you look like a complete retard though. Being messy is the opposite of alpha.

Eventually a Karen will complain, and you will be given a warning.
You will comply like a bitch.

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stop posting your fantasies on Any Forums twink

If you ever even so much as to look at me the wrong way I'd pulverize your jaw in a nanosecond

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Cool story faggot, now rerack my hweights

>people like this exist

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I'm sure you would catch a 5kg plate to the side of the head for this behavior if people didn't want to risk losing their gym membership over a sperg.

>acts in uncivilized manner
>oh yeah, I’m alpha
The lack of respect for the gym, it’s equipments, and other people is not a thing to brag about, faggot
Your mom isn’t going to be around for your whole life do learn to pick up after yourself

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