Would you take a super soldier serum if offered to you?

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Yeah they are called roid

Yes but what are the cons?

I already do. It's test and tren.

Already on test. Added 50lbs to my 1rm in 3 months running barely anything. 150mg/week. 320lb 1rm and I'm still going up.

The knowledge that you will never have lived a natty life?

As long as it doesn’t cause all the issues roids can cause surw

see pic related

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Doesn't synthetic testosterone cause your body to permanently lose the ability to produce its own with the added effect of shrunk testicles?

Literally none. The super soldier serum is what normies think steroids do.

>Doesn't synthetic testosterone cause your body to permanently lose the ability to produce its own

I have never roided
But the seem pretty safe as long as you don’t go overboard and blast them without regard for your health

if you're only taking 150mg a week and making those kinds of gains you mustve been really low test before roiding.

>Doesn't synthetic testosterone cause your body to permanently lose the ability to produce its own

Who is telling the truth?

yes but only if it were the Warhammer 40K gene-seed and is 100% successful


Falcon turning it down was the biggest cringe moment in his show. Blacks just keep losing, lol.

Only if you fuck around with your doses

Did roids get refined over the years?

Permanent boost, one dose and no ill effects? Absolutely.