From your personal experience, what types of cardio (and how much) activate your endorphins?

From your personal experience, what types of cardio (and how much) activate your endorphins?

I don't care if it kills gains, I need a fucking fix.

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Have you tried dancing to music you like?

wrasslin. hard to get into if you didn't do it in high school or college

Unironically sex. Endorphins kick in almost immediately.

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Hitting another human bean.

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Virtually all exercise is cardio, there is no such thing as "cardio" it's just exercise, as opposed to training.
Just find a lift you really like and do it with lighter weights if you're just in it for the fun.

Hard running over a long distance
Sex with someone you love
Really, really hard rowing when you get into a rhythm and imagine you're a whaler

Walking isn't cardio

t.fag who never ran

lifting a barbell 100 times doesnt even come close to doing a fast paced run for 10 minutes.

jesus christ you're stupid as fuck.

Ain't no way, how stupid can you be

It is cardio. It's called LISS

liss is piss
hiit is lit

zamn no cap fr buss in dat nigga bussy

LISS is 55%-85% of 220 minus your age BPM. Walking isn't even that intense lol


blackpill me on ellipticals and exercise bikes

running at least 5k, you'll feel like a god. do c25k if you're a roonlet

running, for me roughly around the 20 mn mark is when I feel the endorphins
heavy bag, mixing throwing punches with dodging/twiting, getting in the rythm blasting hajime no ippo soundtrack, feels like flying
hiking, not sure if it's endorphins or nature, but takes me somewhere else entirely, like your mind on a drone sent upwards seing life beyond the confines of your daily routine/thought , patterns

i swam 1.5km today, around 1km i hit a runners high and it felt like i was on oxycontin

long distance running. Just did an easy 25km in the midday sun, nothing better chud