Daily reminder: East Africans are fast-twitch race not slow twitch

Just because of endurance, doesn't take away the fact that they are fast and explosive fast twitch race of people. on average they have the highest fast twitch DNA only behind Bantus who live in malaria zone. Natives and Asians ae good examples of slow twitch race, they have the highest rate of slow twitch in the world, NOT EAST AFRICANS.

Source: frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphys.2017.01080/full

ACTN3 is fast twitch genes, xx = bad, RR= good, and East Africans have less of the bad compare to the rest of the world, only one exceptions are bantus from malaria zones.

"In addition, whilst Kenyan and Ethiopian endurance runners are highly successful (Wilber and Pitsiladis, 2012), the frequency of the XX genotype within this group is very low at 8% (Ethiopian) and 1% (Kenyan) (Yang et al., 2007). As such, the general consensus is that ACTN3 X allele likely does not modify elite endurance athlete status (Vancini et al., 2014)."

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Ok but who cares about a bunch of NIGGERS?

why is this important

>why is this important

Because it's the truth.

>Ok but who cares about a bunch of NIGGERS?

I don't know ask your mom

>Ok but who cares about a bunch of NIGGERS?

Are you saying you aren't one, snowmongrel.

No I will not be streaming the new NBA youngboy mixtape.

Any Forums - Nigger studies

>Any Forums - Nigger studies

Slow-Twitched dwib detected

They found out the actual reason is that the region has a culture of pain tolerance, and a practice of inducing pain in a variety of ways while growing up. This allows them to endure the pain of running because they do shit like get circumcised as an adult with a sharp stick, and they aren't allowed to react. If they react to this, it's hard for them to get married.
I know you wish it was genetics, as it would validate your worldview. But it's not.

It’s genetics as plain as day as someone having dark skin and someone having light skin also being genetics. Why would the two be any different other than it would invalidate your world view?

Very interesting
The central American tribes that were known to be great distance runners had similar practices I believe too like with the fire ants and shit. That and they lived at an altitude which led to increased VO2 max

There is a reason to explain skin tone because of the very specific nature of skin, vitamin D, and sunlight. Humans are among the least genetically diverse animals on earth. you can trace the pressure and see it happen today.
You are just making an assumption based on a small group in Africa. Other populations have sickle cell as frequently as east africans (like, most of africa, and much of the Arabian peninsula), and they don't have the same long distance running skills.
Just like said, we see this pattern in central American tribes, who aren't of the same backgrounds. The only observable genetic difference in humans is that sub-saharan Africans have more genetic diverse than the rest of the world.

>sickle cell as frequently as east africans

East Africans don't have sickle cell dude, they have less than Greeks. Yet, fast twitch and long distance dominate

Attached: The-genetic-map-of-prevalence-of-sickle-cell-disease-in-Africa-44.png (499x510, 201.56K)

Great job ignoring my point. I've explained why you're retarded. Most people will ignore you now. Good luck on your whole "trying to agitate people on the internet" job.

Certain tribes favor different muscle fibers because of their historic methods of hunting and natural selection. Tribes that hunt by chasing animals to exhaustion tend to favor the endurance side.

East Africa is a very diverse place with many tribes, Kenya alone has over 40 tribes, so there are both fast and slow twitch peoples there. Most of the long distance runners come from the Kalenjin, then on the other hand Ferdinand Omonyala is Luhya and currently holds the African 100m record. You can even see a pretty marked difference in appearance across tribes, skin tones range from dark as coal to milk chocolate, builds vary from short and stocky to tall and slender, facial features vary a lot in many regards. I honestly think the country could be successful in a lot more sports once it gets more wealthy and can invest in training facilities more, a few years ago there was a guy that taught himself how to throw a javelin using YouTube videos then with some training ended up getting a silver Olympic medal.

>Certain tribes favor different muscle fibers because of their historic methods of hunting and natural selection. Tribes that hunt by chasing animals to exhaustion tend to favor the endurance side.

I call cap in that. Because there are no active hunter gatherers in East African, and even going back 25,000 years, most of East Africa was either a pastoralist, Agriculturalist or both. Most long distance runing is owned by Ethiopia from all over the place, not just a "tribe"

It depends on the landscape they have to hunt on is what I mean, wide open plains are more conducive to hunting by exhaustion than areas with more cover.

Noone gives a fuck lmao. Go be a nigger somewhere else.

Why do they look like skinny dyels, or skinnyfats like them lightbulb headed somalis

>Why do they look like skinny dyels

That is most of the world, plus fast metabolism

>skinnyfats like them

It won't stay like that for long, East Africans have fast metabolism and can get rid of it fast, unlike other groups especially Indians.

I love how you gloss over my post.
