Are you a Doctor, user?

Well, are you?

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doctors can lick my buthole lmao

no but my mom thinks she's as smart as one, as do most people on Any Forums

"Water isn't really wet" - DR faggot nigger

I feel strong and powerful when I'm lifting. I become more focused and razor sharp mentally. Afterwards I feel like I can conquer the world.
Why would I care what some fag doctor got to say about lifting?

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because he's a doctor, and you HAVE to believe in science and what doctors say 100%. If doctor says 2+2=5, then it is because he's SMARTER than you. PERIOD.

Yeah and some doctors sucked and fucked their way out of high school

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What's his thesis exactly?

I'm gonna show this to my dad to demo that fringe scientists are in fact retarded sometimes.

technically, yes. but i'm not a medical doctor or an exercise science specialty so my field doesn't really help much in the gym
>university is gay, i'm glad i'm done

why is it that all the redditors that are cult members of scienceism never have degrees in a science?

academics got what they deserved under pol pot

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yeah but that doesn't matter because he's a DOCTOR.

drink cyanide and find happiness, comicfag

COPE. you don't have dr before your name, everything you say is 100% false and homophobic and raycist

I’m in medschool, so eventually. Bodybuilding is based though.

desu some of the most annoying people in the planet are those who scraped by and got a STEM degree by the skin of their teeth.
>yeah bro, i majored in biology. therefor, i am able to extrapolate from my research thesis on zebra masturbatory habits into a cohesive understanding of interdisciplinary political issues

are you an expert? lets see your creds. who are you to tell me to drink cyanide?

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Retarded argument op.

What do you call a doctor that cheated on all his tests once he graudated?


Hope Dr Nick from the simpsons does surgery on you with the pizza cutter mr no doctors are ever wrong. Also your god doctor fauchi is a Law Doctorate not a medical one.

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>What's his thesis exactly?
Oh, nvm. He sells a special resistance band bar or something. There's your answer.
>get jacked with weightlifting and likely steroids
>come up with product
>pretend that he got jacked from his product

Literally a tale as old as time in the fitness industry and yet somehow weightlifting is still on top. I wonder why....

I'm a homeopathic cum doctor who will write you an exemption letter for any vaccine, that's who

lmao based doctor, scamming fat and retarded lards.

last panel, microphone, upside down

thats not the point though. the point is that fat redditors who live in their moms basement and *maybe* got a BA in nigger studies are smugly behaving like authorities because they replaced religion with science and priests with people in white lab coats

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reminder that this dude wrote this book so he can sell you a $500 contraption that is essentially weight lifting, but with bands

He is a doctor on fucking steroids.. lul...
But, anyways I'm sure he has a great program that isn't based around "cardio" (lol ok) and "weight lifting".

>look it up
>some bald manlet trying to sell some retarded shit
how extremely unimpressive.

What kind of doctor?

You aren't seriously questioning the Tony Stark of fitness. He is literally iron mam and there's nothing you right wing chuds can do about it

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Also, I think most doctors know that healthy diet and exercise (weightlifting/cardio) is the right choice, and that the most vocal assholes (ketotards, HAES, vegans) just get the most limelight because it seems like a quick fix

Okay, but no cardio..? Ideally most people besides fringe case strength lifters should be doing some form of fucking cardio. What the fuck does cardio being a waste of time even mean? What if I was a runner or a boxer? Would I be wasting my time then in order to get the "body I want"?

Kekked and checked
Have you retards looked how an average doctor looks like?
Only ever listening to those that specialize in cancer and nasty shit like that. When it comes to fitness and diet, the things that has worked for over a 1000 years still stands. These roided up grifting faggots just want your money by selling you clickbaity bullshit.

As someone who worked with the fitness industry let me assure everyone getting drugs for yourself as a doctor is almost as easy as working in retail and say billing yourself for a coffee.

Thats a paid advert "article".

i have two relative with advanced degrees from ivy league schools and they both think high fructose corn syrup is some sort poison chemically different from table sugar. i actually took the time to try to explain it to them including sending them info but it was like hitting a brick wall

imagine these people trying to understand something come complicated than sugar. they are the elites that rule over you

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He also panders to 'freethinking' boomers. All the interviews I find aren't even about exercise, he's just talking about how his research (which is just that people don't commit... mind blowing) is supressed on twitter and the libs are out to get him.
He's got the universal right wing grifter playbook and he's running it step by step.

I take what I said about my dad back. I can't wait for him to buy one of these and proceed to make no gains like he always does because he keeps falling for this random shit instead of just eating more and trying to add 5lbs to his lifts.


I am writing my thesis about Financial & Environmental Sustainability (and why you can't have both)

cardio for a sport that you do is different from cardio just for the sake of cardio.

lifting, especially hypertrophic / moderate / light weightlifting will confer similar cardio benefits as doing straight cardio.

Unless you like doing the cardio, you can skip it and opt for higher intensity endurance type resistance training instead.

Well, that's an interesting perspective to have. What gets me is all these health "experts" are roided to the gills. Running multiple compounds like GH that seriously increase cancer risk. Doesn't make much sense to me desu

What's his pitch? Just do roids and sit around eating eggs all day?