Where were you when Pewdiepie made Grizzly a household name?

Where were you when Pewdiepie made Grizzly a household name?

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Go back to tiktok zoomer

ignore OP, post funny.

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he has been popular for quite a while now

Yup. Being featured on Pewds channel is gonna add to that

I don't know what the front page of TikTok looks like, but I bet you do

Be around youtube for 15 years youre bound to run out of topics to cover and make funneh vids about. But hes cool, he likes true natty fitness, unlike most of his zoomer audience
I blame zoomers and insta models for what they did to fitness as a whole. For pewdiepie has tried to enlighten them with being consistent, and humble, doing whatever you like with what shit you have, and they completely fuckin turn it around by taking sarms claiming "just hard work", promoting worthless foolproof-for-roidsters workouts other zoomers pay for and fail a month later not seeing gains
I see threads upon threads of demoralization and "natural" teen models that look like chewn gum. Paints a bleak picture for skelly hardgainers and steady fatbloats trying their best and getting dysmorphia

I love these

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He's had a good following for a long time
All the grizzly hardstyle edits and meme montages of him are becoming annoyingly cringe though. But I moreso blame that Jack PGM channel for popularizing that than I do pewdiepie.

They done gentrified the bloatlord

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>a Any Forums meme 3 years ago (at least)
>alpha destiny mentions him 2 years ago
>jujimufu only caught wind of it last year
>introduced it to bugenhagen, who had only heard of him slightly earlier
>pewdiepie posted about him today

It's funny how you can see the normie tiers of discovery


Pewds has known about him for forever since he browses Any Forums, he just popularises memes when they're at just the point of mass exposure so he wont spoil the present memes.

why would he make such an uninteresting video? literally ran out of ideas

he's basically retired now, he was supposed to move to Japan when COVID hit and fucked everything up and they closed the borders.

He has made enough money to last 5 lifetimes and is probably pretty tired of jewtube after 15 years
I honestly don't blame him

ok pewds shut the fuck up we know you post here

Wow looks like I found a new spare time activity

>5 lifetimes
He's got like nearing a 100mil, maybe more. Lot more than 5 lifetimes.

always found it hilarious how normies easily form strong bond to each other and spend time out in real life with friends instead of browsing Any Forums every waking hour and getting memes at the source

i too pity these people

officially /ourguy/
> in4 king of Any Forums

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pewdiepie is so fvcking based