wgmi bros

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umm, did you know that all asian women lust for white cock??

Every few months u daddy issue faggots come up with a new jewtube faggot
Grow up

weird vein in his left bicep

Lol, he has a gf do you?

hi jason

aww, Jason are you mad he exposed you as a self-hating homosexual

>4 hour vid on how to get a gf
Talk to girls. Lmao. There, saved you 4 hours

He's not asian you retard

It's the steroids.


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i'm the one who reported him and got him banned. i loved every minute of it while it lasted and regret nothing. it's so easy to do on youtube, and i look forward to doing it again

all you need is a few sock accounts and I have plenty HAHAHAHAHA

>oh jeez, this looks kinda fishy
>reported for child pornography content
HAAHAHAHAHAAH that's how i got him this time, but guess what is even easier
>oh a new video? heeeeyyy that looks like my video!

fuck that gay frog

t'was a fun thread to shitpost in when he was here.

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Wasted trips

>continue mentioning other jewtube daddy replacement figures

Lmao whatever makes u cope better zoomer dyels

what a waste

This guy is a fucking loser and probably the one who keeps making these threads about himself. From what I’ve seen his videos are mostly jealous whining about how steroid users are bigger than him with less effort, or incel rants about how sex is bad.
Basically I’d distill the message down to “I’m unhappy because everyone else is more attractive than me”

>I can't imagine people genuinely liking me for who I am

SIRS! buy supplement, teach how get bob and vagene, thank you dear

>incel rants about how sex is bad.
You couldn’t be more wrong

kek, sure thing, chang

What are the chances some underpaid esl youtube employee just saw titties and deleted his channel?

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