
gravedigger edition

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Why does he remind me of drake?

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Every since I was a kid I hated fatties. One time I was walking out of the school library and I saw a man sitting down at a table. His girth was so immense that his pants bulged out about a foot from where they should around his pubis.

Anyway that always stuck with me. Where is his penis? Can he even reach it past all that fat?

I see these gluttonous animals waddling around stores and restaurants (never sidewalks) and just contemplate the absolute state of obesity(morbid?) In America. It was out of control 20 years ago, but now it is obscene.

At least 80% of the people in my community are overweight. 60% are obese. This is not sustainable into the future. If the rest of the country is like this and the trend continues I expect complete societal collapse within 50 years.

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LOL your Society is crashing because of Inflation dumb politics and Jews right now and you think fat people will be the down fall of it in 50 years.

Are you an autist or brain dead

>muh fed
>muh Jews
There is no one in charge. We are on a cooling rock in the milk way Galaxy running our biological feedback loops to certain oblivion and we are all trying to keep the plane in the air.

Did you watch when they sent out the stimulus checks? Every fatty rejoiced. They can't think of even second order consequences. The engine of our life support systems had been redlining since 1980 and a rod is going to snap very soon. Inflation is just a symptom of a planet in free-fall and no one knows how to fix it.

Man, the uncanny valley is strong. Kill it before it molests kids.

>fast for 48 hours
>realize im a complete piece of shit failure n word
Not even fat just heard someone said it naturally increases hgh and stuff.

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so many filters that the background looks like a Bob Ross painting

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To the user in the last thread How would you recommend that I decrease my soda consumption?

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We’ll, the FED is pretty awful. There’s a reason why Old Hickory (the first president of the people) killed the formation of a federal bank in his day.
And the Jew has a reason to rip apart family homes (women in the workplace) and kill home economics (sewing, cooking, budgeting, and all of those things that discourage mindless consumerism and lead to physically and financially healthy and happy families).
And yeah, the first step of the solution is to reintroduce gender roles, and to teach home ec in schools again, but mandatory instead of an elective. Sure, these are skills that parents should teach their kids, but Gen X were failures as parents, and millennials and Zoomers ended up just as failed generations as a result.

soda is the easiest thing to quit you mong. drink more water and get the caffeine from pills or coffee ffs

my grandma told her daughter (my aunt) she was disgusted with her for being fat. And I'm not american so we're talking about a "normal" fat old woman

childhood obesity is a crime

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>75% fat shaming
>use a more inclusive term to sneak in sexualization of minors
like fucking clockwork

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Okay we just keep reproducing like in the 50s with 7 kids per woman? We were already projected to hit 20 billion by 2100 which would have been the end of us. At least now we have cut it down to 10 billion and might (god willing) go negative population. Unless we can get off earth and colonize space we are completely fucked. The rich nations need to keep innovating our way into the future because if we falter now we will never stand up again.

You ideal family from the 50's is a utopian fantasy with the present circumstances. Most of the population has no clue how close we are to annihilation.


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Drink tea and coffee, brew them in a big kettle so its convenient to refill, dont add sugar obviously.

On a side note,
>I’m gonna stop shooting heroin tomorrow!
>one dose tops
as an ex-drug addict I can say that quitting drugs cold turkey almost never works, controled relapsing with longer clean periods each time did the trick for me and for many other people I know. Maybe its also true for fats, just consume fat foods once a week, then month, then two month, that will make it something to look forward to and make holding discipline in clean periods easier. Once you are on 6-12 month you will be addiction free, at least thats how it works with drugs.


Nice gyno

>n word
Come on, nobody's gonna say anything, spell it out.