How deep can you squat, Any Forums?

how deep can you squat, Any Forums?

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>this kills the powershitter

About 25% less than clarence

Working on my depth. Was squatting slightly above parallel, then parallel, now I'm working back up to 2pl8s below parallel.
How deep should I squat? It feels comfortable low Bar, but high Bar feels terrible that low down. I'm still taking the time to get used to it

how did you improve your depth? My hip mobility is terrible and I can't figure out how to fix it

Just squatted 2pl8 atg highbar the other day :)

First thing was stretching regularly. My hamstrings and hip adductors were right as fuck and stopped me from going low.
Second is knowing the feeling of spinal flexion. You don't want your lumbar spine to flex under the weight.
Those two stopped me from depth cause I'd lock up and feel super tight, and my back would take over and get fucked. Massive buttwink.
Third is progressively going lower with box squats. Went from a high bench, to a low bench, to now a milk crate. Reliably go low and get your butt to touch it. I'm aiming for a bit lower but I'll probably stop after that, cause I do still have really long femurs that impede me from having my ass actually touch the ground. Maybe "high grass" to ass is doable for me, ha ha.

It's gotten easier with heavier weights desu. I can now do a full frog pose (basically what Clarence does there) front squat with 110kg. My PR is 145kg. Staying ATG with 100kg is now pretty easy and getting comfortable with a wider stance and that depth has helped my form a lot.

But you could not have gotten me to get into that position when I started or with lighter weights.

>Staying ATG with 100kg is now pretty easy
By which I mean pausing for extended periods (up to 30s).

Due to lack of flexibility I probably can't get Clarence depths, but I do go well below 90 and it is a truly ATG squat.

If you are not squatting ATG, you are absolutely not going to make it and you can never tell anyone that you squat ___ amount because you are lying

Thanks for the tips. I stretch too but I guess not often enough. and yes, buttwink kills my back the next day.

I could do that at work. Thanks user

Gonna have to start practice deep squats if I want to improve clean lol, need to stretch lats mostly though

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ive been doing this for about a month now and it really did wonders for my depth and mobility

Just below parallel.

Going so low hurts my knees and back, only manlets can go that low.

I can do that with a front squat. But I can't really get over how much front squats hurt on the shoulders.

I don't know how you can even stop it mid way. It hurts your knees.

Why do you need to do that? I have never done it and could always squat as low as possible.

my hip rotation wasnt the best so i started doing them

You didn't sit on the floor as a kid. You were fat. You didn't play sports as a kid.