I'm fucking done. I had enough. It stops right fucking now. I'm tried of being tired. I'm tired of being a low energy pussy. I'm glad for this relapse that I just had. Because now I know I can do it. I know how to beat it. I was able to cut out all sugar from my diet, so I will have no problem doing this. It's over. I'm working out for an extra hour today. When my semen regenerates in a few days I'm going harder than ever. Do it with me guys.

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yeah. nice goin

You got this bro.

We're doing this together!

I’m in, buddy. Let’s fucking do it!

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Godspeed OP

Nobody cares
It’s not heroin
*im an addict I’m just like the Hollywood starts plz look at me*
Fuck off moron your post is offensive to people having actual addiction issues

imagine caring about offending drug addicts.

Barely 5 days and the brain fog went away. I feel so much energized and focused.

I don't know how guys can do it every day. You can literally feel the enemy leaving your body and your head spins aftet the deed is done

le epic demoralization poster has arrived XD

Don't count days if you're truly gonna quit, just say goodbye for good. If you want a release you must have sex.

My Brother... stay strong. Even in the face of the worst urge to coom, imagine that urge as a tiny cringing Semite, and imagine you are crushing it under the hoof of a mighty war horse. Never surrender OP. Surpass your earthly form!

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Just don’t be one of those fags talking about their precious streaks or whatever. Thinking about how many days you’ve gone without porn is still thinking about porn.

I've never had a porn or masturbation problem but I started doing the nofap thing just because I like to be horny is that weird guys

day 3 for me, this time I ll do it. Fuck Jews for corrupting young men like that

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Day 7 here. I'm feeling a lot better. Still horny as fuck and fapping almost every day but it's to my imagination. Feels good. No more subconscious shame and self hatred. I'm shooting for 60 days. WAGMI bros

Horny energy is powerful. I think you’re just smart.

Fun fact: Having sex accomplishes the same thing as masturbation.

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No it doesn't sex and mastrubation is different. Having sex with a girl raises test and gives you good hormones, jerking off is a poor mans substitute. Just look how monkey only jerk off in captivity but not in the wild, it's sad.

porn is the greatest addiction of this century

>Stop watching porn
>Stop masturbating
>Feel absolutely no difference
>In fact nofap caused me to ED for the first and only time in my life when I had a chick over

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nope they are the same
reject both if you're looking to maximise test

For Americans. Everyone else is just wanking 5 minutes every other day. Americans are the only people that know no moderation and can't stop consoooming anything they get their hands on, on to excess.