Can lifting save you from this situtation?

>every social group naturally tend to have "loser" buttmonkey of their group
>if you found yourself in such posititon you are basically fucked socially, mentally and even physically for the benefit of others
>tfw have found myself be in such situation
I refuse to be a loser, but i dont know what to do. Im not a kid anymore so i cant just beat a shit out of my bully(like i literally did in middle school) to command respect. Will gaining muscle help me establish myself higher in pecking order ?

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How are you a “loser” just don’t play the game at all

So just sit a home and do nothing at all ?

nah you gotta just leave

i was that in my family. i have since reduced to minimum contact. it is poison for my brain.

What position is your bully in?

Im just being treated as funny retard of the group of coworker. If i try to resist it and argue back they quickly turn hostile and group up to denounce me. Its very fucking annoying. I just want to punch them but it would fuck my career over.
Once i literally told at them to shut up and stop being an annoyence but they quickly turned it against me, even thought they often do simillair antoganistic things almost everyday. it makes my blood boil to no end and i cant to do much about it since they are in majority. I figure my only way out of this is to mog them out of existance to make them seethe and respect me.

Working out can only better you. Like I said fuck their game and ignore them if you can

Didn't read
Don't care
Stop being a bitch (recommended for you)
This is why you can't get women
Why you can't get friends
High inhibition
And niche taste

Watch sports. Enjoy the super bowl. Watch tv. Talk to friends. Learn about them. Talk to women. Not every women will like you. That's okay. There are really different women out there (even if they're all attracted to the same thing). You'll find one who likes you. I guarantee it. Just stop being a bitch and stop being afraid. Go flirt with that girl. Go have fun with your buddies. But be a man of quality character, especially when it counts

This isnt about women you retard and i have plenty of friends.
I watch winter olympic and i dont care about american niggerball fuck off faggot.

Based niggerball rejecter

>Can lifting save you from this situtation?
Not if you're sufficiently autistic

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How does it happen? Can you greentext the situations?

mog him looser

you must be 18 or older to post

Pick someone weaker and break him

Ask Scooby. He is wise and will know what to do. Also he is all natty.

Yeah basically that's how it works. Gaining muscle probably won't do anything. It's about politics and there are many books on this.

pls post books

Um the prince Machiavelli how to influence people dale carnegie and uhmmmm rational male to be alpha

thought you had something good and this is what you post?

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I am not that user and I am not smart

read The Park Avenue Face
and youll really be unchangeably autistic afterwards. youll wish you could return to what you are now

Is this the lookist bible?I like starship troopers book I would lend it to you