What's for dinner, Any Forums?

What's for dinner, Any Forums?

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Dozen eggs, same as always

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I'm fasting, so water and watching Food Paradise.

Two 13" Dominos pizzas, chicken wings, garlic bread, sauces, chicken dippers, potato wedges, 2 bottles of Coke. Mmmm

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Eat a huge meal in the morning.
Lift in the afternoon.
Go to bed on an empty stomach.

simples as

At moms house rn eating garbage. Afterwards I'll make country style gravy over chickpea pasta with goat liver.

Egg fried rice. 1 cup of rice, green onions, onions, bell peppers and 4 eggs. Fried in spray olive oil no sesame oil. Roughly 500 cals

Cigarettes and scotch / soda

I had chicken fingers (the good kind) and spicy Mexican rice.

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One and a half turkey breasts with pesto, fried radishes with onions and garlic.

My man right here, get after it.
I got the 8 piece fried chicken, a chimichanga, and a cheesecake. Chocolate milk and broccoli too.

12ga Buckshot

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If not larp don't watch cooking shows. It makes it worse. First time I did a week
Post recipe?

12oz sirloin steak, cut into strips and seared, 2 servings of instant mashed potatoes, sauteed or steamed veg
just like every night

overcooked cod fillets and stir fried chicken with brown rice.
Goddamn fucking cod is so easy to overcook, felt like i was chewing on a fucking leather belt.

sounds like you cooked all the moisture out of it
cod needs to either stay wet during cooking or have a layer of fat on top to keep some of the steam in

Nothing but maggoty bread, for three stinkin' days!

I ate a half a bar of 88% cocao chocolate, few handfuls of sourdough pretzels, few handfuls of baby carrots, one heaping spoonful of sauerkraut, one cup of ultra-filtered whole milk, and then made an omelette of 6 jumbo-sized eggs. When I was almost done with the eggs, a bit of egg went down the wrong pipe, eventually causing me to vomit up eggs. The eggs also got into my nasal passage and I had to blow eggs out my nose for 10-15 minutes. I then attempted to eat the rest of the eggs, since I had just lost some of them. Shortly thereafter I vomited up those eggs and had to re-empty my nasal passage of eggs. Then I drank three Budweisers.

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1 lb chicken thighs, grilled
no carb, saving calories for dessert

It generally gets me through the fast. I'll see a recipe/meal on there the first day, second day get the meal ready or marinating on the second, then look forward to it.

I'm kind of worried it might be a dopamine release during the fasting though.