Which is a better pickup line / bio?

Which is a better pickup line / bio?

If you are what you eat, I am an innocent person.


If you are what you eat, then I am a pussy.

Also, how much would I have to lift to eat her ass?

Attached: 20220213_150452.jpg (1070x1093, 459.04K)

>this is what jestermaxxers scheme about in their free time

Attached: NTtrmLD.png (752x686, 695.31K)

I slept with 76 women before the age of 23 but now I am coming out of a 12 year monogamous relationship and have forgotten how to flirt. Please help me.

how about "giddy up"

>Which is a better pickup line / bio?
Both are terrible. I can't imagine what kind of subhuman whould respond to any of them.

True, but don't overrate women's intellect.

>If you are what you eat, then OP is an ass

Attached: 1643730817646.gif (500x500, 236K)

If you are what you eat then i am seven babies with honey mustard.


That's some good shit. Got a chortle out of me.


You did ;)

They might be smart, they just love slobbering on cock

:((( pls no bully

Wtf me too (but closer to 30 women and 7 year relationship)

Oh and both of these lines suck

Basically the same thing though, right?

How would you start? I'm not used to these dating apps.

You're past your prime

I wholeheartedly disagree. I was 60kg at 6'2 then. I am now 90kg and magically grew an inch. I definitely think of myself as more physically attractive now. I also have a career and a house to call my own which are two massive pluses to what I had at 23 kek.

I was talking about your age

>Responding to anxiety ridden poorfag zoomers
Shiggy diggy

What does that matter when literally every other factor has improved? Besides, I moisturise, apply sunscreen daily (every two hours), and adhere to a strict skincare regime. I look much younger than my age.

You're so immature

lol dont listen to this guy ive slept with 300 women and those lines are golden

What makes you say that?

Good shout. Thank you.

Any advice for getting back into the game?

>any advice
yeah go back you fucking faggot and stream your suicide there the way you talk is fucking repulsive and TELLING

I'm sure you look amazing, but - you're almost 40, asking people on Any Forums which one of your dumb lines is funnier and I think you genuinely believe that will make you attractive to women. If you're as well-adjusted as you say you are you don't need to act like a clown for attention.

Mate, I genuinely feel like I need to. Online dating makes no sense to me.

Also, 35 is not "almost 40", and even if it was who cares?

You aiight?