Are you using lifting as a cope for inadequacies in other parts of your life?

>Are you using lifting as a cope for inadequacies in other parts of your life?
How do you respond?

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How the fuck did I get here, this isn't the gym.

anyway, if you hadn't noticed my cock is hard
bend over please

No, I use running myself to point of exhaustion every day as my coping method. Lifting is just something that I do for fun.

No I lift because I'm better than you
Also you get paid to shill mind altering medications and pretend to listen to peoples problems

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Better than drinking to cope you dumb Jewish roasty cunt.

doesn't everyone focus on what they're good at and neglect what they're bad at to a certain degree? I don't know anyone who's good or bad at everything

I lift because its good for my mental health. I used to be a drug addict and the endorphins from exercise fill the void while getting me out of the house and meeting people

Yeah, I have no job satisfaction and I make just enough to not get a tax refund.

Where did you get your license you dumb bitch this isn't therapeutic communication

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No, not lifting is just one of my inadequacies

like i told my actual therapist.

i am incredibly insecure in my masculinity and roiding and playing alpha is the only way to cope.


>How do you respond?
No, ma'am. I enjoy the feeling of a pump, and I enjoy more the feeling of personal strength and growth that comes from dedicating myself to something outside of myself.
Now please stop asking me stupid fucking questions you read out of a textbook published by your professor.


>yeah now can you prescribe me some dick pills so I can get sick pumps

Lol no
I dont lift
Abs are made in the kitchen

i dont want to be a woman. i want to be alpha but im not so i just pretend.

there's no such thing as being 'alpha', user, but there is such a thing as status

alpha just means masculine and confident. im not those things so i pretend. its really the only way to get girls.

no girls want some dork that just wants to sit in the corner and read books for the rest of his life.

mario if he real