Could liften have saved Dracenlord?

I think he is beyond saving at this point. He probably has like a decade at the most to go so he may as well live a hedonistic lifestyle.

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That's not really what he looks like now, is it?

We'll see. He has to go to the jail. Maybe he will workout there.

He needs to chill and like fast for at least a year. Disgusting slob.

Prison changed my life I was a potbelly before but my cellie was an amateur bodybuilder who beat the fuck out of his wife, he was like the coolest dude almost a brother and got me into exercise and shit and now he's still locked up and I'm out here carrying the torch beating women harder than any man has ever beaten them before.

fucking based

Has there ever been a lolcow who's died from their poor health/diet? Boogie, Dracenlord, CWC, Nicocado, JoeysWorldTour, they're all still alive and kicking.

These digits I can respect

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people mostly get heartattacks when they use there heart. sitting playing games barely qualifies.
so yeah kinda unfair

Incredible post

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Yeah there was that one fatass feedee dude who passed. Can't remember his name I'm more of a cobra and cresva enjoyer than the really sad trainwrecks.

Jesus fucking christ

I think Cobra has a good chance of dying long before Boogie or any of the other fatasses. Not necessarily from lung cancer, but more likely from an alcohol induced accident or choking on his vomit while passed out. Or perhaps an overdose from whatever Angie has lying around

He's not mentally mature enough to handle alcohol at all it's painful to see him getting as bad as he gets sometimes since he doesn't seem to have any malicious qualities like some cows. He's one of those cows I just like to observe and it makes me feel shitty when bad things like him getting swatted or losing his job because of trolls happen considering the fact I don't believe he would want that for anyone else. Cresva on the other hand deserve what he got everytime.

Very based, worst case you get thrown in jail and see him again

Boden zusammenbricht

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I think if cobra became Christian (he does satanist LARP but his fundamental morals are Christian, the four no's) and stayed on his meds he could have been a normal guy.

What mental illness does cobra have?
Yeah Jason is an evil person who gives a fuck

who the hell are these people you fags are talking about
