/gfg/ genetic failure general

post reasons why you are going to kill yourself this year, ill start: acne, balding, small wrists/frame.

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Negative canthal tilt, jaw recessed by 2cm, no hunter eyes, below average social skills, wrists too small. List can go on forever.

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I aint killing myself until I have seen the limits of where I can take my physique.

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Can someone post the gains pirate image so we can steal OPs gains?

Lmao imagine posting this shit
I hope for your sake you are joking

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Only 5'10

post eyes

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You forgot the crippling autism

My acne is so fucking bad bros, on my face, my back, my chest and I noticed my arms have that type of textured skin acne brings, I tried so many products, even been to a goddamn dermatologist, nothing helped me

>Decent job

>6" penis
>Norwood 5
>Shit insertions
>No friends

Could be worse...

>6 inch penis as a con
Bruh you watch too much porn, literally above white average and way above worldwide average

Also no friends is by far the worst thing you listed dude

>Doing good at uni, might get a good engineering job after i graduate

>hairline started to go back
>extremely tiny wrists and hands, female size
>21 yo khv
>no friends despite living in the dorms

>Blue eyes
>7" penor
>untrained 20" shoulders

>diagnosed ADHD and autism
>failing engineering degree
>wider than average hips
>small feet, small hands, small wrists

You win some, you lose some

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Not killing myself, but I've got sleep apnea. Back before CPAP, I probably would've just slowly died. So a genetic failure.

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post tits and feets

- Big hook nose
- Recessed chin
- Uneven ribs
- Long ape arms
- Thin wrists
- Small and thin dick
- Severe IBS
- 5'8"

10 cm dick on 187 cm body, 3/10 face, aspie, wide hips, narrow clavicles, didn't hit 2/3/4 after a year and a half of lifting, KV at 21 and will die a virgin, bad eyesight, my blood can barely clot (even a mild papercut will bleed profusely for minutes), hopelessly addicted to food, vidya, internet, porn, and tobacco. I can't be helped.

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Also too pussy to kill myself.

The type of person who blames their problems on predetermined genetic features instead of putting effort into solving the shitty situation they've caused through their own inaction has adopted the mentality of a woman and is obviously a closet tranny.

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Dumb nigger
>le just put le effort in and work on yourself bro youre a 400 lbs neckbeard in ur moms basement bro

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