26 years old already

>26 years old already

Huh? These were supposed to be the best years of my life. Where did my youth go?

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>20s just slipped by
>spent majority of it smoking weed and playing video games, fucking around doing nothing

But I guess my teens were like that too.

It's over for us. We're broken

The best years of your life are to come, user. Keep up the grind. you'll make it

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>turned 36 last month
Just wait until you see how fast the next 10 years sneak by

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just ~60 more years to go :)

you still have so much time, dude. just wait til you're creeping up on 40 and realize you only have 10-15 years left before things really start to turn against you.

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I wasted my youth in an isolated, depressive state and I didn't even know it!

Be patient senpai , enjoy those years and stop bitchin , remember my post , because you will look at it different when you gonna be 30+

How do I fix this? I’m 24 and sit at home on the weekends alone. I used to play men’s club rugby but I had to stop after 1 too many concussions.

Nah Im training for the royal marines, if i fail im going to play Dayz for another decade and get on the dole in a council flat

I'm only 22 and I feel like I'm wasting my life
>only have 1 more year of university
>didn't go to any parties, didn't make any friends
>partly because of covid but also partly because I don't know how to make friend s

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if it makes you feel any better, the normies who 'make friends' at uni never talk to their friends again after around age 26, as if they've never even met them in their lives. they auto-pilot and don't really stop to fuss and worry, nor to appreciate anything in life

volunteer at an animal shelter

lmao fuck off bitch

If you do manage to turn it around the hard part is deciding what you tell people when they start to wonder what you were doing before the point you re-entered life.

literally just say you got caught up with addiction and refer to it as a sickness to gain their sympathy

>another demoralisation thread
fuck off schlomo, I lift weights
I like it
simple as

Uh your best years are your 30's. Your 20's suck if you are doing it right, setting your future up by not drinking, getting your career and money up, and working out. Then in your 30s you can do whatever you want while having money to do so and still being fit enough to enjoy it.

>unless you are a trust fund babby then whatever

how much money/career should I have by age 27? i make around 95k a year working remote right now. about 12% body fat and above average physique by normie standards. good health but very autistic

Guys best years are 30-50 though

Depends on where you live and your living situation. If you can buy a home from your parents in a place you want to live in, thatll also significantly decrease your threshold since the end goal is to own assets that generate revenue or is liquid like real estate. In a major city on the coasts like ny or sf, you will need at least 300k to make any roads to owning a home there, otherwise 150k should give you a decent enough stream to start saving money to buy a home in a cheaper state. Even if you are living some place cheaper, keep getting your money up but start considering stuff thatll generate you annual returns that are autonomous like being a landlord or owning a business. One of the biggest things that fixed my insecurities in my 20s was the anxiety around being broke and unable to go hang out with people cuz broke and they all had careers. Once i got my own, the anxiety disappeared and i started being able to connect with people from a better place.

Autism can be cured with time so dont stress it. If you look good and have money, people will give you enough of a leeway that you can eventually figure out what actions you are doing is autistic and fix it.