Starting Strength doesn't wor-

>Starting Strength doesn't wor-

Attached: rippetoehatersbtfo.jpg (832x1125, 225.22K)

I can definitely tell he doesn't train for aesthetics.


>doesn't say he follows starting strength
>says he hasn't done a curl in "like 2 months"
Everyone says base your routine around heavy compounds, and sprinkle in some accessories, isolations etc. as desired
Most of all
>doesn't look that good

awaiting for that body pic

Attached: einstein post body.jpg (1200x638, 53.72K)

For once I will say that this guy needs starting strength. His upper and lower body are disproportionate.

Is this legit? His legs lookundeveloped for a ripetoad approach, upper body looks pretty good tho


Attached: HOW2SQUAT-AM.jpg (1150x1080, 198.82K)

>lemme just bulk on 3000 calories surplus like a retard...
>it's obviously the SS that doesn't wrok

Attached: ffewfw.jpg (4453x5394, 3.75M)

legs are shit tier on that lad

You first

white edp

i kneel

jesus christ

Post height.

What he said is not starting strength. SS includes power cleans, which is part of why it's a shit program.

The only way this guy ended up like this was because he was a scrawny skelly. A position that, with proper diet, can make miracles out of SS

lol is this an ftm?


based and has more confidence than i do pilled