My shoulders click at the end of each rep when I do overhead press...

My shoulders click at the end of each rep when I do overhead press, right about when my hands are coming level with my shoulders. Does this matter? How do I not ruin my favorite joint

Yeah tea's fine in small doses

>tfw no chiropractor bro to help realign your spine

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God i wish that were me

which one?

haha certainly not the bottom. that would be weird haha

When I take tongkat ali and fadogia agrestis and my lab results show higher T levels, I start getting "clicks" when I do certain exercises. I'm guessing it's due to decreased lubrication of my joints from lower estrogen balance.

So it might be a joint thing more so than it being about proper form or muscle. Try supplementing Omega-3, it might fix it.


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Idk fag fuck you

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Why are they worried? Anybody who sets up a camera in a boy's room is a faggot too.

play it cool bro


My right shoulder does this but my left shoulder does not. I've been trying to fix it forever but can't seem to figure out how to fix it. Physiotherapist has helped fix some issues I had with right arm but not the clicking thing which remains.

Every time i see a deleted pic i need to know what it was

its arthrosis, degenerative thinnening of the joint cartridge due to the excess weight compared to its ability to bear weight. its slowly profressive and will grind your cartridge to the bone if you wont stop ego lifting and fix ur form. source: docfag

Don't bring your hands in line with your shoulders retard

Gay porn

Doubt. If it were gay porn the whole thread would be gone

It was, thats's why some anons expressed their desire to be a bottom. I've been refreshing this board for 2h30 already, work is boring.