Is this a valid exercise?

Is this a valid exercise?

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not enough milk

How did she manage to do that?

White bitch got what she deserved

Bitch thought she's too good for stretches.


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I'm guessing her tendon just snapped but idk how tf

it happened right before when she reached too far up with her arm

so was it like too much of her bodyweight hanging on just the one arm?

yeah, most people aren't close to being able to do a one armed pullup or even a static hold.

And that's why you climb rope with your legs, not your arms.
Unless you're a fucking unit.

That is impressive.

Shouldn't her grip give in before her elbow??

good training to climb tyrone's balcony

Why do people wail like this?

I've broken multiple bones, dislocated both knees, Broke my jaw, jumped by 10+ gang members and was hit by a car. And have never wailed like this one time.

My best friend was also hit by a car, He rode home. No wailing.

Even my sister was hit by a shotput ball during an errant toss at a track event. No Warbling.

Can someone just explain why?

>Can someone just explain why?
You're probably more used to dealing with and managing pain better than some people. Your injuries most likely gave you a better perspective on what hurts and whats really painful.

Shes not cryinf because of the pain.
Shes crying because now she cant give chad a double handed wristy anymore

..and that was only last Tuesday!

Come the fuck on, why lie on the internet to strangers who will never meet you.

I've broken both arms at different times and my left hand. The broken arms barely hurt, and the only verbal reaction they got from me was to say "goddammit I broke my arm". And the hand I played 5 sets of tennis with it broken before I went to get it x-rayed.

But I also dislocated my elbow once playing rugby, and that pain was nothing like the others. The other breaks were maybe a 3 out of 10. Getting cut hurt more. But the dislocation was a 9 and the noises I was making as the muscles in my arm spasmed were completely involuntary. In fact I started to ask my mate to tell whoever was yelling to shut the fuck up, and then reaslised it was me. It was out of body shit. The quack had to put the elbow back together with a 2 inch screw.

>people get injured
that guy must be lying on the internet!

how Boring/soft of a life have you lived where you've never been hurt?