
For the past 6 months, I got super horrible anxiety that's fucking up my gains and life.

My heart beats so fast all the time. When I try to relax, my anxiety soars. I wake up so afraid of the day every morning.

I don't know why. How do I stop this? I've tried Ashwagandha, liquor, etc. but only liquor seems to help me.

I don't want any (((pills))) or shit but I need help.

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Drinking will definitely be a great long term solution

That hourglass figure is just screaming and begging for BBC


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Why would you tell him that dude

Why would I tell him the truth?


You obviously need to find the root cause of your anxiety somehow which is a lot harder than it sounds.
In the meantime treating with liquor honestly isn't that big of a deal imo, people blow it out of proportion. Only drink enough to take the edge off, don't try to get yourself "drunk" and don't drive if you feel like you're too affected. Obviously watch calories also.
It's not a long term solution but it can help if it's too bad, I've taken a shot on my work lunchbreak after having a rough phone call and it helped almost immediately, it's probably better for you than ssris or whatever.
Btw I'm not a doctor

Alcohol is the number 2 reason for anxiety in the world
Number 1 is being a little bitch

Eat GABAergic stuff like glycine, theanine, collagen etc

I’m gonna get a thicc gf this year bros

user, i too had a bout of constant anxiety for a couple of weeks around the early stages of the pandemic, but i was able to get over it and it never happened again.

first, cut out the liquor completely. reduce your caffeine intake. exercise more, and take walks. what also helped me a lot was just getting up and doing stuff. chores around the house, etc. the more i sat at my computer, the more i'd think about my anxiety and the more anxious i would get.

also, just realize that this is all temporary. your anxiety is just your brain's fight or flight mechanism trying to protect you. make some lifestyle changes and i guarantee it will get better.

start to embrace your anxiety and you'll start to realize that most things don't work out the way you think they will

6 months ago something must have triggered it. You have to figure out what that was.

me too
gl fren

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What do you mean

Got one a few years ago. Best thing ever.

>I feel like I'm going to die when I wake up
don't ignore the thought, don't rationalize it by saying your just having a moment... fully believe that you are in fact as good as dead when you fall sleep, and then go to bed
you'll wake up fine and you'll realize you were wrong
overtime you'll stop having these absurd thoughts

what keeps anxiety alive is telling yourself "that will never happen" or "I would never do that" anytime you have a negative thought, just say "yeah absolutely" and watch how it doesn't happen

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>take subway every day
>see plenty of thick black/latina girls on there
>never speak to anyone

everyone here will call her fat buy holy fuck the girl in op is hot. would definitely keep looking at her from afar and especially her ass in that short dress but never speak to her.

Try mindfulness meditation

hey homie i had debilitating anxietu attacks from my 20s to like almost 30s. ended up in the hospital at least 10 times thinking i was having a heart attack. got put through the ringer on antidepressants. therapy. none of it helped. i finally just had this "fuck this shit" mindset oneday and said i would stop and it did. id start by cuttimg your diet massively. coffee|, drugs, anything that causes anxiety just kill it for now. learn breathing exercises amd fimd some sort of routine to remind yourself to calm down as soon as you feel it coming on. meditation probanly helps a lot but never did it personally. i just wanted to telll you it can and will stop if you want it to. its all in your head. good luck and god bless

Raw meat and organs diet+pray to your gods and draw strength from them

may be a cop out excuse but honestly anxiety ruined my entire life. it made me terrified of everything. socializing, driving, literally everything. im now a completely dependent manchild at 30.