What's the catch?

what's the catch?

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kidney failure down the line

The price

i buy anything with elite on it because elite means good

It's expensive. You could have just bought Fairlife milk, protein powder, and mixed them together in your own bottle for cheaper.

>not eating elite chocolate

chad as heck

it tastes better than regular protein shakes though and isn't as much liquid

Christ highest I’ve seen is 25g. You shouldn’t drink that shit bro just eat some food. Surely right?

i get that stuff at my grocery store, but i stick with the 24g ones. the only catch is the money you'll spend on them will add up, but if you aren't some broke moron who cares if you spend an extra $200 a year on fucking protein lol

>it tastes better than regular protein shakes though
Find a protein powder you actually like the taste of.
>and isn't as much liquid
Then use less of it as you mix them together.

the catch is youre gonna make mad gains. we have a shake with 50g of protein for 2$, i live off of that shit its 1000000 times better than any powdered protein but its more expensive pound for pound

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Bizased. E Drones BTFO

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Trips of Satan.

Why can't they make drinks that are like 150g of protein then I hit my daily goal in one drink?

Tranny cultist

Pistachio flavor looks fucking good

WTF what's the burger equivalent for these

Wtf the that’s neat af

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There are a bunch of no name brands that make them.

quite literally acne

I make one when cutting that's ~110g. Drawback is that it's 1500ml.