The fat you eat is the fat you _______

The fat you eat is the fat you _______.

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Nigger ass

filling my black hole stomach with potatoes rn

>grain is... LE GOOD
Why should I listen to this DYEL ?

Starch is the diet for PEOPLE! butter and fatty meats is for the obese and diseased aristocracy

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Take the rice pill.

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Jimmy Moore is a retard but trying to eat less while remaining satiated automatically leads you to a meat rich, low carb diet

Eat your grains
Get your jab
Wear your mask

Thank your leftist overlords for how much they care about you

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>Jimmy Moore is a retard but trying to eat less while remaining satiated automatically leads you to a meat rich, low carb diet
OR you can just eat potatoes.

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If Americans actually ate 11 servings of whole grains and didn't lather on heaps of butter, cheese, and fatty meats there wouldn't be an obesity epidemic.

It's easy. Get your carbs from fruits and vegetables. Cut grains consumption to a minimum.

>stop eating protein, it's making you malnourished

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So carbs don't make you fat?

... eat!


I don't hate myself though.

starchpill seems pretty based to me
i'm basically eating this diet but with chicken breast/meat/eggs for the bulk of protiens then starches to fill the rest/micronutrients
still get to have my tasty carbs, feel full, and be on caloric defecit
this just seems like taking starchpill to the absolute bare minimum nutrient intake reqs

>add carbs
>people get fatter
>what should we do?
thank you carb merchant

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jesus christ no wonder you get fucking obese with that retarded measure. what the fuck is a "serving" anyway ? besides
enjoy your protein (and a lot of other things) deficiencies eating only potatoes retard
this, Jesus, it's not that fucking hard. A fruit can be a nice treat, and veg sides contain a few carbs that are more than enough. Humans have evolved for hundreds of thousands of years eating barely any grain

>the starchpill is pretty based I want to be just as healthy as him!

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>eat starch
>get diabetes

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>protein (and a lot of other things) deficiencies
Nope. Other than B12 potatoes have everything you need, protein included.
>people ate more calories
>WTF it's the carbs!

king post

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He's a liar. There is zero evidence that an extremely high carb, low fat diet induces diabetes. All available evidence suggests its the COMPLETE OPPOSITE

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potatoes are truly the white man's carbohydrate

>eat carbs
>get fat
>eat more carbs
>get fatter

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By PERCENTAGE carb consumption went up and fat consumption went down BY PERCENTAGE.

Overall people ate MORE fat and MORE carbs and MORE protein and MORE calories. People just ate more. period. 500 more calories per person per day.

>diabetes is a disease of diet
I want to see that boomer's daily exercise, sleep and stress habits.

Processed carbs and a lot of starches can absolutely cause diabetes, but diabetes is fundamentally a hormonal disorder. Sedentary lifestyles and sleep disruption have a significant impact as well.

Asians who eat a lot of starch but eat whole foods, slowly, with adequate protein, as part of a lifestyle with lots of daily movement and close-knit communities, get diabetes.

>get diabetes
I mean't DON'T get diabetes

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>a lot of starches can absolutely cause diabetes
note: this is false

problem with carbs =! problem from carbs

you get t2 diabetes from being a fat fuck. it is your body's last ditch attempt not to be such a fucking fat fat fuck

>Processed carbs and a lot of starches can absolutely cause diabetes
Wrong wrong wrong. All available evidence suggests the complete opposite. Calorie excess and dietary fat and a sedentary lifestyle are the three biggest rocks in the jar for the development of diabetes. Pure table sugar ENHANCES the ability for insulin to interact with cells.

This has been know for nearly 80 years but the boring science was largely ignored.

low bf is only good when you are young desu

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