Be me, go to the dermatologist

> Be me, go to the dermatologist
> Her: "I noticed you have some acne on your back. Should I prescribe you something?"
> "Aren't there other factors we should check for before?"
> "Sure. Like do you eat a lot of foods that are high in sugar or fat?"
> "No, not really. You might have noticed that I'm quite muscular?"
> "Well that wouldn't really contribute."
> "But aren't there certain supplements that might be causing acne?"
> "Not that I'm aware. Which supplements do you take? Creatine?"
> "Yes but what about others like ... Steroids?"
> "You're obviously not taking steroids."

I don't think I've made it, bros.

Pic related, it's how she looks like

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Amazing how you made up this whole little story in your head

Damn imagine a chink doing you like that.

Lmao I'd kms, no cap.

>shitty fan fiction of some asian doctor
I thought I was on tumblr

frrrrrrrrr cuzzy LMAO bruh trippin

fr my man dead ass no cap lmao

>bf% probably 15-18%
>weight/BMI ''underweight'' maybe 45-50kg on average
>muscle mass? non-existent...

these asian sticklets, perma-skellyfats are a sad sight to see. Just pure fat, in small amounts. It's weird how you can be blessed with a good diet culture, yet put nothing of the work because of societal macro-cosmic autism about ''physical'' work or expression.

Like bro, you easily get down under 20% as women and maintain that easy...What's hard about picking up the weights afterwards. Is a few kgs of muscle too much to ask for?

Yeah but muscle looks bad on women so ....

in their case it doesn't look pretty either. Muscle is what gives shapes as a foundation to curves. Have you ever seen one of those skellyfat chink chicks? It's terrible, like hank hill tier, no tone, no definition, no shape. Perma child sticklet mode.
You need a healthy middle ground, at least some foundations of muscle. Like at least hit ''average'' female LMM. Basically a moderate amount, the advice goes both ways of course so I don't disagree with you either...

Assuming this actually happened.. why would you set yourself up like that?
If she thought you were built/muscular she'd say something. Fishing for compliments seldom get you anywhere

is this the yellow fever thread?

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Stfu sperg

The virgin acneoid vs the stacie dermatologist

Did she check the moisture on your dick head?

frfrfr deadass bruh

My girlfriend has the perma child sticklet mode and I'll let you know it's very sexy

Stop talking like this. I know you think you're doing it ironically, but it'll stick and you'll so it all the time and cause others to post like that. Then it'll be normal and I'll have to adapt to it. Just please stop posting ironically before it becomes unironic

This doesnt even make sense. Who in their right mind would try to hint to someone that he is taking steroids?

Someone who's natty but wants to believe others think he's not

Fr doe this mf seething hard

Why are you autistically trying to insinuate to your doctor that you abuse steroids?