I squat lmao4pl8 but why dont my legs look beefy?

I squat lmao4pl8 but why dont my legs look beefy?

Will athletic exercises help? Like rollerblading, one leg side-to-side jumps, etc? I basically just squat and do all those variations with SSB, duffalo, cambered bar

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4pl8 is bitch weight + you're fat/you don't know how to flex/you have bad genes for bodybuilding

Are you like 5’4”

reps and sets?

Same reason why my shoulders don't grow: Shit genetics

Post legs

you look like a turbo manlet just from the waist down

Attached: aq1DMQP_700b.jpg (500x365, 24.19K)

Cycling is a great way to get massive calves

Do explosive sets ass to grass

Damn I thought 405 was at least somewhat ok, ive hit it for a double once havent tested 1rm in about 4 months

5’10” pic rel is not me I just googled big thighs

Typically I do strength sets 1-3 reps under a normal squat bar (25kg), but all volume (4-8 reps) is done with specialty bars. I tend to favor SSB

do you get this from riding out of the saddle, or does all cycling do it?

Post body

Idk when I was in high-school I got calf mogged tons of people because I rode my bike a lot and kept myself up with martial arts for 6 days a week

>I got calf mogged
Sorry meant calf mogged

do 5x10 with 275 and eat a bunch of carbs

Not pumped and shit lighting but here

Light weight for reps or heavy for strength? I feel like whenever I do real heavy low rep sets they’re always explosive. I always go below parallel no matter what

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It’s because your too fat obviously Retard. Loose some weight get down to 12% bf

Pic rel not me, this is me lol I feel like I’m getting mogged by the thumbnail yikes

>It’s because your too fat obviously Retard. Loose some weight get down to 12% bf

Attached: SkinnyGuyMuscle.jpg (1600x1067, 104.35K)

Do 5x12.
You're going to have to lower the weight but trust me, the volume will blow your legs UP. If you want even more results, learn to do bulgarian split squats and do 5x12. The extra load on each leg is going to lead to growth. You're strong. Use that to do insane volume.

Gotcha, thanks for the advice man. I dont really get sore after doing heavy squats so Ill definitely supplement in volume work on top of what I do now. Just out of curiosity, if I do BSS for 5x12, approx what dumbells should I start with? I’m kind of bad at gauging “lighter weights” because my mindset is always go heavy