The constant maintaining of my wife's mood is getting to me, bros... it's exhausting

The constant maintaining of my wife's mood is getting to me, bros... it's exhausting.

I wish I was single. And I don't want to leave the kids with her, or they'll turn out equally dull and moody.

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R9K saved my life, the fragments of information I got from there combined with my instincts stopped me from making the worst mistake of my life and marrying my ex. Now I read some literature and have the full picture on the nature of women. But you my friend are fucked, try to not neck yourself until your kids grow up

have you tried talking to the person you had kids with about this?

Are you stupid?

Post literature

Meant this guy

Get the fuck out of here with this gay thread. Kill your wife and then yourself

Murder suicide is pretty badass, if I get dubs he should probably do it

You're living life with weights on your legs OP. Grow enough to lift them or cut them loose

I've heard someone here's story about how they drove out the woods one night, beat her, then drove back and she was well behaved since. Not sure if you should try it though, she might be a squealer.

The only discipline a woman understands is fear.
It used to be fear of the hand or the belt but now that's illegal.

You need to make her fear you will fuck other women if she fucks up.

No joke, whenever I snap at her she's behaving better for a while afterwards.


Damn. Thats my worst fear. Kids and a fucking moody bitchy ass wife who doesnt really love you because she wouldnt act like that if she did

I am 27 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>he fell for the Happy Wife Happy Life meme
How long did it take for you to realize you fucked up?

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-3 years

>girlfriend becomes bitchier with each passing year
>she’s too lazy to get a job two years after the two month shutdown
>tired of her ass
>she’s becoming fat
>always brings my good mood down
>fortunately never married her because marriage is for the birds
>Florida doesn’t recognize common law
>house is mine
>serve her an eviction notice on her birthday
>cries she has nowhere to go
>her mom hates her
>her sisters hate her
>her brother is a heroin addict somewhere in Indonesia or Thailand
>her “friends” don’t like her
>not my problem
>need her out to bang other women throwing pussy at me
>sleep quality increased tenfold

Don’t get married kids.

My dad does this to my mum, not beating but tell her off pretty much. It used to make me cry when I was younger but now I think I understand.

I completely understand this but I could never bring myself to do it. How do you work up the will to even shout at her?

I'm so glad I never commit to a woman. They are so much work and it's constantly exhausting. Their mood shifts constantly, they constantly want to be either on the go our steaming in their own filth. The level of attention and coddling they need is unbelievable. I will just date a girl for a few months to get regular easy sex and then ditch them because it gets tiring. Then bang tinder hoes for a few months and do my own thing.

Women are such fucking lizard brains jesus

If you don’t have enough of a spine to stand up for yourself and maybe even the relationship then you probably deserve whats coming to you

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Don’t do this. Never shout at a woman. It lets her know she removed you from your center. Never let that happen.

Don’t argue with a woman either.

Works for my dad though

this, you don't have to shout or beat a woman, that's subhuman tier
Be firm in your stance and make sure she knows she can't play games with you

this, women feed on emotion. If you start arguing with her she immediately knows
>oh this is something I can use to attack him with in the future
if you don't get fazed even if she says some shit about 'you got a small dick,' she really has no card to play because you're not arguing like her...emotional outbursts. In an argument stick your ground and don't let her emotionally manipulate you so she wins..crying is their trump card.