You have body dysmorphia

You know you have body dysmorphia, right user?

In all seriousness, why has there been a recent trend to demonize having an aesthetic Any Forums body? I see this shit all the time where people with pronouns in their bio shit on "gym bros" for being more in shape purporting them to be eating disorders and body dysmorphia.

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Anybody who roids (op pic related included) does have insecurities and body dysmorphia and more people should start calling it out. I’ve been natty 5 years and I get compliments that I look big/jacked all the time — nobody ever thinks I work out too much or look unhealthy like with roid trannies. I am personally sick of the unrealistic standards being perpetuated by roiding faggots

based desu

More mires for me.

It’s not body dysmorphia if everyone agrees that your body looks like shit.

I think for left-wing people it's uncomfortable to see a muscular man because it completely shatters their fantasy that men and women are the same. You can undo their entire ideology just by taking your shirt off. They can talk away different genitals and different heights as being meaningless and purely aesthetic differences, but the fact that a woman can't go to the gym and get a body like that proves the differences are more fundamental and significant. Once the topic moves onto hormones, then it inevitably leads on to behavioural differences and that's where feminism dies. So feminists don't like seeing men who lift.

I agree. It's called frauding for a reason. The worst part is that alot of them have genuinely deluded themselves into thinking it is perfectly respectable.

We're talking about anabolic steroids and body image, not genitals and feminism and HRT.
You understand hormones are an entire class of compounds right? Do you shoot off like this when someone starts talking about thyroid stimulating hormone?
Political discourse has rotted your brain so badly you don't even realise how much you sound like a hair-trigger raving homeless vet.

I really hate when people say shit like this, because I know what it's actually like to have body dysmorphia. I ran track in high school and college, and at my lightest I was 135 lbs at 6'2". I had a legitimate eating disorder - I was the biggest guy on the team, yet I would eat the same amount as the endurance runners and try "cut weight" before meets. Half way through university, partially because of the intervention of a coach, I convinced myself that eating wouldn't kill me, and I started lifting more and running less. Now I'm 190, but I still remember the feeling of my stomach eating itself in lectures and during practice. I understand that a lot of young people feel undue pressure to conform to certain stereotypes, especially when you see 15 years on Tren and that sort of shit, but when it's people shitting on those trying to improve themselves because of their own self-consciousness, that's where I lose sympathy.

Believe me they will try to explain away sexual dimorphism all day. Usually their argument boils down to societal norms at an early age causes boys to do more sports and have a "massive" advantage over girls. Doesn't explain 99% of reality (hormone differences, going from twink to built very quickly), but as long as they have a single irrelevant point and dismiss the physical realities, they think they're right.

Yeah this is true. Roids give false perception of what is attainable and can cause mental anguish from not being able to measure up, but what I'm talking in OP extends to normal body fat and normal diets. I've also seen similar people argue that JUST doing meal prep, or weighing your food, or calculating intake is an eating disorder. There is some legitimacy, but these people take it too far and make out everyone with discipline as a "gym bro" on roids destroying their body.

They are insecure about their bodies and threatened by those more attractive than them. That said a lot of roiders have horrible body dysmorphia but them calling it out is concern trolling purely out of a need to feel superior to that which they feel inferior too.

It has all the honesty of an atheist quoting a bible verse to get a Christian to do what they want them to.

>use big science brain to push self past natural limits as god intended

There are alot of silly meme connections that get cooked up sometimes but I 100% see the reason why the roid tranny connection meme has caught on. I mean you have a group of people who desperately want to look differently to the point where they are willing to take all sorts of drugs (in many cases hormones) and have procedures, etc etc. to fulfill the image they have for what they want to look like. That's not to say it isnt still a meme and all but still- there is a grain of truth there. Not to mention how many riders do end up becoming trannies.


You seem upset, like that poster really got under your skin to the depths of your mind. I pray for you

leftism promotes a crabs in the bucket mentality. These people would rather celebrate mediocrity than celebrate someone being better than them in anyway.

I will translate the leftist loser talk for you
>waah waah why am i not born rich, attractive and successful i dont want to put any effort into improving myself
>waaaaah i am actually a narcissist and cant stand it when people dont just fall head over heels for me just because of my non-existent quirky personality
>waaaah waaaah no i am not the problem, society has to change, how dare people try to be better then me, everyone has to be as miserable and mediocre as me

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Roid rage!

roiders are outlived by the cast of My 600lb Life, hell Boogie has outlived multiple famous bodybuilders at this point. When those fucking people are healthier than you it's time for a reality check

projection and cope, very small men indeed