How low bodyfat % do you need to go if you wanna have a decent looking face?

How low bodyfat % do you need to go if you wanna have a decent looking face?

Attached: suntanned guy probably that dane from kojima.jpg (1546x1278, 495.12K)


>Really attractive

>tfw always been low body fat
>tfw facial bone structure is terrible and there is literally no way to ever improve

I feel ya brah

It's not just about having a low bf you need to have good bone structure.

Attached: file.png (535x703, 247.12K)

A lot of people actually end up looking hungry (ghoulish) at low bf %. If you care about attractiveness it's all about health/capability indicators. Looking like you starve isn't a positive one


Personally anything above 16-18% my face starts storing way more fat.
I'm at 20% right now middle of a bulk really want to cut it early lol

same face gains is the main reason why i want to cut... if weight gain didnt mess with my face i would probably bulk for atleast 2 years but i want to look good during summers

Same, my face easily retains water as well which makes it look chubby.
I actually look better now that I'm higher bf (15-20%). My face actually looks right on my body.

>tfw fucked genetics and mouthbreathing when I was younger, so I have a shit face even at 8%.

are u as lean as u think u are? I always thought I had dogshit face when I was 15%bf (and I did) but everyone gets hollow cheeks eventually. face much better at 8% and I have bad mandible

If you dont have godlike facial bone structure, you will actually look worse at very low bf levels, like an aids victim or holocaust inmate
for most men, something like 12-14% is probably optimal

10% is optimal facially

problem is i've strong jaw and rather wide face so my neck and body look small compared to my face at sub 10% bf

Ideally my face would look like 10% bf and body at 11-12%

I started bulking starting from skinnyfat and I really want to cut but I'm still too DYEL to justify doing so.

Attached: 1621664878871.jpg (225x225, 11.95K)

What you are doing is the most efficient way and if you keep it up you will look great after the cut. If you did it the other way around you would progress slower but you would see results sooner. Keep at it.

>I don't know what I'm talking about
women don't find sub 12% attractive
and what you think is 12% is more like 15%

Yeah I'm going to keep at it of course but it's just annoying because I've always genetically stored fat in the face and I've got the double chin look almost happening, I don't give a fuck though I ain't stopping

lol I am probably at 20% and my face already looks hollow cause I have a good jaw and facial structure
get fucked shit genetic cucks

post face