/plg/ - powerlifting general

>post a video of your lift
if you want form advice or mires

>programs, stretching, bands, lift tutorials

>tripfag numbers

>conjugate pastebin

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Approved Intermediate Programs for /plg/
>Bro Tier (trying hard, having sex, loving life required)
Conjugate (more of a system than a program! Most popular program in the general, /r/powerlifting program of the year, early advanced (>1400 total)
Texas Method 3-Day (best basic template for early intermediate)
Madcow Intermediate (best for early intermediate, less customizable version of TM)
Texas Method 4-day Split Model from PPST.
5th Set (late intermediates, must support BLM)
Heavy Light Medium (easier version of TM)
Anything with Simon in the name

>Nerd Tier (must have IQ higher than bodyweight in kg)
Nuckols Average to Savage
TSA 9 Week
Sheiko Gold ($ monthly subscription good goy, not recommended for poorfags)
Juggernaut Method 2.0 (a more periodized 5/3/1)

>Meme Tier (might work if you love memes)
GZCL (any variation)
Destroy the Opposition (J. Lewis)
Cube Kingpin
The Cube (+ Predator)
Westside for Skinny Bastards
Candito 6 Week (You will look like a large baby)
Greg Nuckols 28 Free Programs
Smolov Jr. (Will get injured)
Bulgarian/Bugenhagen Method
Slavic Swole
nSuns 5/3/1 (written by a 1200 total Redditor)
Hepburn (8x2-3s)
Spotoshot (bench only)
Anything with Sean in the name.

>Retard Cuck-Tier
PH3 (need a tourniquet to choke yourself, and it has a 100% injury rate)
Anything with BBM/RTS in the name.
Anything with Hank in the name.

>Kike Trickery
The Bridge
Barbell Medicine
RTS Generalized Intermediate
RTS Emerging Strategies

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Stay hydrated, anons.

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Reminder that if conjugate doesn't work for you, you're doing it wrong

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just competed for the first time since before covid
got 585 in -93

Is it ok to move my butt during bench press as long as it doesn't actually leave the bench?

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Unironically yeah

reading through the IPF rulebook it seems like no, "Any change in the elected lifting position during the lift proper i.e. any raising movement of the head, shoulders, or buttocks, from the bench, or lateral movement of hands on the bar [will result in disqualification]"
This seems to read like the only banned movement is lifting up, but it also says "This position shall be maintained throughout the lift."
Honestly seems kind of ambiguous imo
I don't really see a reason why your butt would move laterally anyway


As long as some part of your ass (at the judges discretion) is still in contact with the bench it's a good lift even if it's only the tip of a single ass cheek. Most judges go off as long as they can't see straight through under your ass it's good.

Everything “works”.

Most relevant books for proper training:
>Louie Simmons
Westside Barbell Book of Methods, Bench Press Manual, and Book of Squat and Deadlift. One of the best authors for training fundamentals, but program guidelines are quite loose.
>Josh Bryant
Jailhouse Strong, JHS 8x8 Offseason Powerlifting Program, and JHS Successful Mindset Manual. Great author for training fundamentals. However, there is no free peaking program.
>Cory Swede Burns
5th Set, and 5th Set Evolutions. Most up to date training program templates, only the bench peak is outdated.
>Jim Wendler
5/3/1 for Powerlifting, 5/3/1 Forever. 5/3/1 for PL is a great beginner book, and if you like it, Forever can be used to adapt it for longer term progress.
Bryant's and Burns's books are well written, but Wendler is a retard and Louie cannot into English. All of the books are in the pastebin in Bobbergs's drive.

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Squat 325x5x5
Bench 280x5x5
Weems Row 205x5x5
Dips 3x12
Hanging Leg Raises 3x15
Neck Harness/Extension 4x25

Red pill me on Weems rows

It's pendlay rows where you inject heroin and read philosophy between reps then swear you'll never do them again

320kgx2 on squats, heavier single after. Less then 3 weeks out. Hoping for 350 at the meet tbhfam.

Generally loud music in general.

Upwards of 4kcal a day now.

Pendlay Rows.
>I asked this same question yesterday and went with the wrong answer
>I am a fool
bruh, that hanging cringe is pure cancer. fuck your time under tension, fuck your 1pl8. fuck your 4pl8 partial ROM with straps even harder

put that shit on the fucking ground, chalk up, and rip it into your sternum. when you hit 5x275 tell me about how your rear delts didn't grow and you need more face pulls. top fucking kek m8

Fuck i want training days like this. How kuch do you weigh?

How do you fix hips rising early in squats? Can i fix it without taking weight off

6’0, 195 lbs.

Heroin is good for you

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