Special Forces Fitness

I have decided to pick up an op40 contract sometime in early to mid 2023

How should I be preparing for RASP and the schools after that? How do I balance weight/strength and cardio? How much cardio should I be doing? How should I be eating? Should I even continue doing weights 5-6 times a week or should I cut back and focus on calisthenics type excercies more? In terms of the basics I'd say I'm fairly average, with around a 10 minute 1.5 mile run, 74 2 minute pushups, 84 sit-ups and 16 pull ups.

Attached: RANGERS-2-scaled.jpg (1440x774, 184.19K)

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The standards are the bare-minimum. You should be able to crush the standards on your worst day, because they will literally make you do it when you're sore as shit and running on an hour of "sleep" at selection.

Also get ready for shin splints. Don't ruck in advanc

I wasn't a ranger, but I was in the infantry and my dad was in 75th RR for 24 years, retired last year.

Stop lifting so much, it's useless for selection. Focus on running, rucking, calisthenics. Lift compounds like 2-3 times a week to stay strong, but that won't get you through selection, endurance will. Look up SOF selection programs and do that. It's gonna be boring and you will feel you're not gaining mass (you aren't), but it will make sure youre physically ready to pass. There is a SFAS preparation workout program that Special Forces school house puts out for free you can find it one Google.

Also look at SOFREP, Soflete, Mountain Tactical style workouts, they will prepare you for tactical fitness much more than bodybuilding style weightlifting.

Run run run, if you can't run 5 miles for time RIGHT NOW you're not gonna make it, let alone when you're sore and sleep deprived.

What this guy said, OP

If you're too indoctrinated by Any Forums to stop weightlifting so much, at a minimum do this in addition to the weights.



>training and being treated like a dog with no free will only to get annihilated on the battlefield by free Vietcong & Afghan Chad farmers

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Literally running and calisthenics. Lifting will help but not as much as you think. The workouts are designed to fatigue everyone no matter their strength level. It's cliche but most of it is mental. However, the more physically strong you are, the less mental pressure/pushing you have to give yourself.

>t. passed RASP about 10 years ago at 5'11 130lbs

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Its true tho

Do a lot of hillwalking and camping and learn landnav
Aka reading a map and not getting lost in rough terrain

Ask your recruiter to reach out to ask the ranger recruiter folks for a recommended program

Your intelligence should be way above average. Being fit doesn't cut it.

go to /k/

user ignore these tards I'm former
Worst part of RASP is pretty much the fucking runs and buddy carries
Git strong and get good at endurance running
IMO do a barbell program (SS) and start doing an hour of cardio every day (low impact shit like bike, elliptical, rower etc) and slowly progress the distance on your runs
Improving your cardio is less about intensity and more about time under that cardiovascular stress
The coaches at 3/75 would always stress that changes don't start happening in the body until about 50-60 mins of elevated heart rate during exercise
Even their weight training programs went off this model

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>Ignore these other anons
>proceeds to give the exact same advice everyone else did
Asvab waiver

>passed RASP about 10 years
Damn dude you actually probably got to fucking smoke some people
Deployments now are 1-2 platoons in the battalion with only TL and up getting to go

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The advice given by the rest included:
>avoiding lifting
>hillwalking and camping (fucking autistic take)
Also 97 ASVAB sweetie ;)

Ranger is so pussified women make it through now. Get used to sleep deprivation, danger crossings, and try to avoid the winter course. Oh and if you decide to do a real mans career go cav scout hooah

>only mentions cardio and not sleep deprivation, danger crossings or the fact that the course is so pussified now that even females make it through


>sleep deprivation, danger crossings
Yeah man go ahead and train for sleep deprivation lol
>danger crossings
Ummm not really a part of RASP and even if it was you don't need to worry about small unit tactics until you actually get in
You're probably thinking of Ranger School user

>real mans career go cav scout

Most of them are donuts eating deer fuckers

>all that time, money and energy invested in your body, to donate it to israel

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