How did he build his calves?

How did he build his calves?

Attached: 1639762800512.jpg (2560x1440, 433.24K)

Other urls found in this thread:

if your a big boy walking trains them

what's his name again?

Schlomo "Sam Hyde" Goldstein

sam hyde

Attached: sam.jpg (513x496, 33.8K)

samuali hyjla

Attached: 1637281305187.jpg (300x300, 13.38K)

sam's goofy style is unironically better than any of the faggy and uncomfortable gay shit i've ever seen come out of /fa/

25% bodyfat

he is a physical nasty beast what else would you expect??

He's such a physical beast dude

I forget, is he a nazi or a socialist?

Known terrorist Samir Al-Hajeed

He’s just a fat grifter

trans-adjacent progressive christian citizen of the world

curbstomps 5x10
Sam "u can run but u cant" Hyde

Attached: samhyde_school_shoota.jpg (1200x1200, 160.64K)

Natty power lifter Wealthy Piano

Epic meme bro!!

As with everything else in life, being yourself shines though. Tryhardfags will always out themselves

lots of roids

>gets BTFO by Idubbbz 2pl8 squat

Sam did things to marky I will never forgive him

It's 135 with bumpers DYEL

aren't those both 25 lb bumpers and a 45 lb bar? so even less ? 95?