What kind of mental illness is this?

What kind of mental illness is this?

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> What kind of mental illness is this?

Female internet victim
Browses websites such as female dating strategy, health at every size, Netflix, Ben and Jerry's

she stopped using filter on instagram

is that fat or bulk? i cant tell

This is probably the new trend now. In hindsight, maybe getting banned off instagran was a positive.

It's just a mutual cope that all women tell themselves to make it okay for them to get fat

>ugly is beauty
>mediocrity is uniqueness
>laziness is embracing oneself

Pathological liar. Finding yourself in thiccness is a new trend for awful millennial women who used quarantine as an excuse to slam into the wall at high speed with no survivors. The difference in pictures is a tiny weight gain and a massive photo editing loss


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Fuckk instant bloodrush, that never usually happens with webms

21st century woman.

Dam she was so much better b4



you are based

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Fat women are perfect

Get the fuck outta here beastialty faggots
Go back to r/feeder

no thats like 60+lbs bro