How much strength is required to throw someone off balance?

How much strength is required to throw someone off balance?

Attached: 1643781018108.webm (640x640, 1.03M)

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like this? literally 0

leverage is much more important. Not coping, but a weak fuck can at least knock someone much bigger over by simple utilizing levers

Where do you buy these levers like a sporting good store or?

How much strength is required to throw someone off balance?

Attached: totallynormal.webm (404x720, 2.75M)

ytboi can't appreciat all the black thicc kweens dancing around him
it's pretty much a mating call

Bro this is beyond insane. Why are they allowed around human beings

He clearly has work to do how did he end up in a class with them

a baby could probably throw you off balance if you were standing on one foot on your toes. however even someone very strong would have a hard time pushing you over if you are facing them with a strong base. it's almost all about technique

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you:
The future

> Yes goyim, we need more niggers in your suburban schools

2 galoons shoud dun it

Attached: 1596844432439.jpg (867x685, 95.69K)

3 niggers get brutally knocked out
1 nigger goes to jail for 25 minimum

It's a nigger history month miracle!

Will you fucking niggers please decide: do black lives matter or not??

Any Forums when white man beats someone for no reason: based, strong Serbian/russian/balkan man
Any Forums when black man beats someone for no reason: PuReLY EcoNOmIc ReAasOns, black are animals/not human.

Attached: Why are they allowed around humans.webm (320x480, 1.97M)

>facebook meme
go back. slavs aren't white.

post a video of white people burning somebody alive in the middle of a village

Attached: 1501164175982.jpg (1366x768, 51.01K)

Attached: 1641776655945.gif (217x327, 1.99M)

Not many whites don't live in villages but that a modern day equivalent.

>go back. slavs aren't white.
Then what are they?

Tbf if we had cameras back in the Salem witch trial days; we'd have a lot of white men burning whores and squashing them with rocks

Attached: Blackest Friday.webm (460x258, 2.94M)