Did they roid? In this picture Vinnie seems the only one roiding, and the rest seem like natural maxing...

Did they roid? In this picture Vinnie seems the only one roiding, and the rest seem like natural maxing, but that seems unlikely too since all they did was drink everyday. What do you think?

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Who are these faggots?

Who cares?

Jersey shore. I used to watch this shit as a teen, but just now I got to think wether they were natty or not.

Also not Vinnie but the second guy in the picture. Don't remember the name.

t. zoomer
this shit here the jersey shore
the situation

absolutely achievable natty. Could they have roided? yeah.

those retards had no discipline or dedication to get that way natty.
I'm surprised they even found their way to the gym every day without getting lost

Even that second guy? Look at those traps.

I think Vinnie (the first guy) is natty, but don't know about the rest.

the guy holding the purse looks like he only does bicep curls

At the time it was common meme to just do bicep curls and bench. Kinda the same as squats nowdays.

second guy is Ronnie and it's because he's short, that picture makes him look much taller than he is


1, 3, 4 all for sure achievable natty
2 is also but definitely not for everyone and would require more dedication
that said, all these guys were probably roiding because they're retarded wops (redundant) and liked to party as i remember. never actually watched the show just cultural osmosis from the time

According to Any Forums only she-male trannies take steroids.
I assume all these guys are women now?

I grew up thinking these guys were "good-looking" (in the eyes of women at least) and I'm more handsome than them.
Fucking low self esteem.

Ronnie was notorious for his roid rage. He constantly got into fights and smacked women around. Mike made his living as a male stripper so he was also on the sauce. Their physiques may not look unobtainable natty but keep in mind they trained/dieted like shit and got blackout drunk several times a week. I hate that I remember all this shit from the first season.

only normalfags watched MTV

If I had to bet, I'd say all but the guy on the left were on the sauce, but I don't want to defame anyone.

I googled it and someone asked them in an interview and based on their answers im gonna say "almost definitely not natty, especially the second from left"

>used to think all of those were chads back when I was a teenager
>unironically mog them all facial wise now
feels good brah

they are all natty. even the dude on the far left

Bro it's the fucking Jersey Shore gang, maximum white trash guido douchebags. I doubt any of them were above taking anabolic steroids, but since they are all stupid alcoholics the results are fairly subpar aside from Ronnie, but honestly he also looks way smaller than I remember.

>faggot knows jersey shore
>zoomers blissfully ignorant

i only heard the name never watched it