Do you lose respect for people because of their dumb takes on nutrition and fitness?

Do you lose respect for people because of their dumb takes on nutrition and fitness?

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I don’t have respect for western westerners anyway


They literally excrete toxic chemicals to prevent animals from eating them

Getting eaten is literally the entire point of fruit
Plants want animals to eat seeds and then shit them out somewhere else
Capsacin is meant to deter mammals and other flat toothed consumers who will grind the seeds but has no effect on birds who eat them whole

Sure, sometimes, like any subject people talk about. However nutrition and fitness is incredibly complicated, so I'm pretty tolerant.

its really not though and there are some incredibly retarded fitness and health opinions
anyone that is a keto fag
anyone that is vegan
anyone shilling any type of diet

these people deserve the rope

so you did respect bush at some point is what youre saying user?

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>teenager giving advice about staying thin
always gets me

N-no you're putting words in my mouth

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Yes when someone gets angry about diet I want to smash their face in. They must not be aware of what autism is otherwise they wouldn't go on autistic rants about food.

Absolute fucking smoothbrain

>Do you lose respect for people because of their dumb

Thorns too

Yeah? Animals run away in fear and sometimes fight back when you try to eat them.

Anytime I hear anyone say “I’ve tried every fad diet” I roll my eyes hard enough to detach my retina.
Or any mention of a detox/cleanse, or those 30 day exercise challenges on Instagram.
I want to help them but I know they won’t do it, I’ve tried so many times to give little tips and they just keep searching for the shortcut.

I lose respect for people who feel entitled to an opinion on topics they never even slightly researched, and an amazed at how frequent it is. Some dumb normie who's never read/watched/learn anything, zero, not a single second, about lifting/diet/hiking/anything, just chimes in as if he had any to contribute, makes want to rip their face off. If two nuclear physicists were debating, I'd shut the fuck because I don't know shit about nuclear reactors. How fucking dumb and lacking self-awareness do you need to be to not get this?

I don't respect retards in general

You forgot your pic bro

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it's true you faggot, certain foods like almonds expand chemicals in your stomach to make you want to stop eating so much. It's so animals don't overeat certain plants so that It could still reproduce.

I feel it's something I have to overlook otherwise there's going to be way too many people in my life I'll not have respect for because of their shit takes on this stuff.

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Not everyone deserves respect
Fuck em