Any Forums I feel a little ashamed of this but I rarely shower, it's like only when I need to...

Any Forums I feel a little ashamed of this but I rarely shower, it's like only when I need to. If I'm on my own and don't have any special need to as was the case a lot during covid, I can easily go 2, 3 maybe 4 weeks without showering. I just hate everything about it. I tried to get into the habit of it and I can't.

I tried daily showers first thing when I woke up for the habit, and it was torture every time. I tried alternate days or once in three days and that fizzled out after a while as well. I tried showers at night before I went to bed. I tried showers during the day, I tried to feel as if I was just doing something normal like taking a shit, get into that sort of habit you know. I tried to have my mind completely on other things. I tried shaming myself and how dirty I was. I even get jock itch (sort of rash) on my thighs when I don't shower for a while, even that doesn't make me shower.

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That's the craziest thing I've ever read. Have you tried fucking bathing if you hate showers that much?

discord cringe thread

what is it that you hate about showers?

Look at the image in OP. It’s not a real thread; it’s a coomer bait thread

Do you wash your clothes regularly at least?

No, I don't think that would be any better.

I don't know. I am extremely sensitive to the cold (I think it might be a circulation issue) and I live in a cold part of the world and I hate getting undressed for the shower first. Then the water is too freezing cold or roasting hot for a while. I don't mind the process of the shower itself once I'm in there. Then on getting out again it's freezing.

Also it feels purposeless to me. I try and tell myself about all the benefits but it just doesn't seem to get through to my inner mind, that this is something I should want to do.

Yeah, I always make sure to have clean undergarments when leaving the house.

>I live in a cold part of the world and I hate getting undressed for the shower first. Then the water is too freezing cold or roasting hot for a while. I don't mind the process of the shower itself once I'm in there. Then on getting out again it's freezing.
What helps me is making it slightly less shitty and then I was able to go with the habit method. Make it into kind of a ritual. Maybe preheat the room a bit, or bring in a radio or laptop, put on a tv show or something. I have a laptop sticking over my shower wall and usually watch Futurama or something.

get a shower robe? I fucking absolutely hate getting out of the shower too but I basically hang the robe + towerl on the shower cabin and when I'm done I wipe myself a bit and pull the robe down and put it on and get out and then it's basically all fine when you take it off like 10 minutes later

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Run a nice hot bath then user. Prepare towels and a new set of clothes, setup a bath table with your phone to watch videos and relax

What was your childhood like? Did your parents regularly bathe/groom you?

>shower robe
do americans really

>America American America’d America

Attached: AB4B869C-63DF-468C-A456-4CF64467214F.png (364x852, 134.36K)

Meh healthwise people way back when bathed like once a year. You just have to make sure you don't smell like shit
Change out your clothes every day and wash them often, shave your armpits so they don't trap sweat, eat lots of citrus fruits which improves body odor, use some baby powder on your smelly areas. Shouldn't be a big deal

I only shower once or twice a week. I work from home so no-one else can smell me, and I'd rather have an extra half an hour in bed every morning rather than getting up early to shower. Although any longer than that and even I can start to smell myself. Don't know how you can go several weeks without a shower.

>get gf in shower together for first time
>playing with each other
>out of nowhere she just starts straight up washing me
I mean full on, body wash lather all over my body washing me. Is this normal or should I read something into this?

>be under shower
>washing le weird
maybe try washing her back weirdo

Emily Willis is boring as fuck

washing your partner is intimate and very normal user

god damn I love chubby women

maybe the most autistic thing I've ever read on Any Forums. not even in the "haha what a freak" type of way, your sensory overload is causing you to avoid washing your stinky ass for weeks at a time. This is a thing a person with SEVERE autism would do.

It's always unsettling to encounter genuine mental illness and realize you post with these people

Yeah you're retarded bro, I don't even like taking showers myself but I do it every day because I understand the importance of not smelling like shit and I feel crusted and dirty if I don't have one. Also going to bed feeling fresh is nice. If you work out and you don't shower often, I guarantee you smell like shit

the irony here is americans being obsessed with bongs in assuming every time someone makes fun of them its bongistan