Do squats and deadlifts thicken the waist?

A lot of old-school bodybuilders used to stay away from heavy barbell squats and deadlifts because they said it thickens your waist via oblique/spinal erector/ab/glute hypertrophy. A lot of pro bodybuilders nowadays also seem to do things like leg press instead of squats. It seems like powerlifters often seem to have thick waists and poor v-tapers, too.

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You don't deserve to get better

Yeah my waist is thick I think I'll blame the squats

Ofc they do.

If you got shitty genetics for a thin waist it doesn't matter what you do. Don't blame squats and dl

Having a thick waist (i.e. a strong core) actually has functional benefits, so powerlifters and strong men need them.

I don't, though, I have a naturally small waist/hip area. So I don't want to do squats/deadlifts if they thicken my core.

Yeah, I know, but it's not ideal for people training for aesthetics.

Then you got nothing to worry about. A lot of bodybuilders do squats

Yes Dls and squats will make your tiny dick look even smaller.

Leg Press is literally Plebbit Tier

Nope, obliques and the side muscles are trained through rotational exercises that target the core.

I never understood this. Fridgemode like the Grecian ideal looks much better to me.

my understanding is that heavy compounds are not good for obliques/abs
also powerlifters are fat, which precludes a nice vtaper

Leg press is better for building the quads than squats.

I think it’s overblown. I personally think low bar flat squatting is pretty stupid if your goal is aesthetics but it probably won’t have a huge impact on your waist. As far as powerlifters/strongmen go it’s more along the lines of retards who think Olympic sprinters look the way they do because they sprint. They look the way they do because that is the body type that is the best for sprinting and they’re on gear. It’s pretty widely accepted that having a thick and wide waist is better from a strength and power per selective than a narrow waist regardless of how it looks. Look at a true freak, ronnie Coleman if you want to see a powerlifters with a small waist. His waist was ridiculous as a powerlifter and only got thicker as he got older and became a bodybuilder.

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is this natty achievable?

Mine too brah, I wanna Heraclesmaxx

No one should do deadlifts. Not even professionals do them anymore. They fuck you, and you get back strength from other compounds.

Squats are the single most important workout, though.

Deadlifts and legpress are not movements anyone should be doing. Cut them out from your workout completely.

But it has nothing to do with waist thickness. If you want cum gutters you need to lower your body fat %.

yes. wear a belt