I eliminated all processed foods for a month

And yet I've developed a fatty/sticky and foul stool ever since. However, my fat intake (which causes fatty stool) is extremely low, and I'm not eating lactose or gluten either. The only other conclusion I can reach is I have some malabsorption problem. The core of my current diet has been healthy fruits and vegetables along with a considerable portion (~800 calories) of legumes or baked white/sweet potato daily. Fresh tuna, meat or rice occasionally. I tried switching to potato only for a few days instead of beans/lentils but saw no difference in my stool. What's the deal? I really don't want to go back to eating PUFA-laden foods. I wasn't even that unhealthy before, but I was eating processed foods like cheese, bread, yogurt, pizza etc.

I know for a fact I do not have any pancreas problems or celiac disease.

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don't eat meat, keep eating fiber. meat feeds inflammatory bacteria in your gut.

> he thinks one month is enough to atone for his sins of eating like an american

Are the stools normal color? How is your stress level? Also have you tried swapping out potatoes for a couple days to see if that makes any difference?

I probably ate grass-fed beef one time in the last month, and a small portion of pork once also.

I considered that this may be a "die-off" phase in my microbiome but I'm not sure.

Stress levels have been very good compared to a few years back. Meditation has been key.
Mostly a normal brown color, but sometimes slightly orange which I attribute to the beta carotene of the sweet potato and carrots I'd eaten.
I will likely try cutting out potatoes for the next few days.

I don't gave any experience or study to back this up but this sounds kind of like a detoxification type deal

this pic also reflects a much lower average age--the country was significantly younger back then due to baby boom and urbanization. Bit reductive to pin it all on diet though I'm sure that plays a part

You've added too much fiber to your diet too quickly. Fiber traps bile.

Not a single nig or spic. Better times.

God white America used to be so based, you burgers fucked up
Age isn't the issue, people get fat way younger these days. No one even talked about childhood obesity/diabetes decades ago.

humans have such skinny arms, holy shit

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Look at any other primate except jewrillas

>my fat intake is extremly low
didn't read

How the fuck do you know your shit is "fatty" ? Because it's sticky? I eat loads of fat and my turds are generally healthy logs


>nothing but White people
I bet it smells, looks, and sounds fantastic. No diversity screaming about their Popeyes.

> eats legumes, rice, potatoes and other veggies
> wonders why he has foul stool

eat meat, eggs, dairy, fruit and cut everything else, then see the wonders of a proper human diet

Malabsorption is correct. Legumes are high in anti nutrients because seeds don't like being digested.
Potatos are fine if you go organic, conventional potato has some of the most concentrated levels of pesticides of any produce, if it kills bugs, it kills gut bacteria.

Try upping the fruits, fats from fish and grass fed cows, and ditching the beans. Fat is not the problem, the wrong kinds of fats are.

Fatty shits float m8

I didn't exactly switch from low fiber. Beans, lentils and split peas have been a weekly part of my diet for over a year. But certainly not an every other day thing. I could have increased my intake more gradually I suppose. I'm getting ~55 grams of fibers per day. When I eat potatoes, it's closer to 30g.

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Hey, shut up if you're low IQ ok?

get tested for sibo

My potatoes are high quality but I don't believe they claim to be organic.

I really hadn't considered ditching the potatoes or legumes because of how essential they are for satisfying my protein and vitamin/mineral targets. I can definitely up the fruits. But I don't have the best access to wild fish or grass-fed meat. I've considered eating coconut meat.

Everyone looks happy and civilized.

Definitely have been considering this. The only thing is, I do have gas from the legumes but I don't really have too much noticeable bloating and I do not ever have stomach upset or pain, which I understand to be hallmarks of SIBO.

plant proteins have bad bio availability, you won't miss out on much by ditching them

you don't need grass fed meat, normal meat goes a long way.

grass fed is more of a meme than anything else