Read nutrition facts of whey

>read nutrition facts of whey
>it says 20g is 40% of recommended daily intake
is this really true? have I been fucking up my body taking 100g protein a day?

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What is google and how do i use it for 500, alex

>obvious bait
Yes you should only take 60g of protein max, that's what the FDA says

RDA is just the minimum to not suffer acute negative effects.

yes you autist.
if you take too much protein at once you will just not absorb it.
you shit it out.

you will notice you are overdosing when you have gas, diarhea and kidney pain.

thats your stomach telling you its rotting inside and you are low on bacteria.

keep listening to rich piana and doing 6 scoops.

I'm not reading this. Just wanted to say I love cute girls.

cute girls don't think about you

brainlet answer no
enlightened answer yes

RDA is the 'maintain a healthy lifestyle' not to get shredded

holy shit how much protein does one have to take to overdose on it? i'm 97 kg and eat 160g+ of protein daily and no fart or shit issues so far


The FDA is retarded. Have you seen the food pyramid?

Gastrointestinal distress isn't actually a function of overdosing on protein. It's true that excess protein can put strain on your kidneys, but how well you digest it has more to do with your gut biome than how much of it you eat.

60g of protein is the bare minimum
You're on a fitness forum. You're likely here to participate in a culture of self improvement, gaining muscle or improving strength or endurance
You're not eating for the bare minimum
You should ear according the the needs your activity level demands

The RDI for protein is the minimum amount for a 4 year old to not be deficient. It's not a maximum.

I've eaten as much as 300+g of protein in a day at 90kg bodyweight with no issue.

i think i wouldn't be able to fit so much protein in to my calorie intake lol


I definitely didn't eat very many carbs when I did that. I have to hold myself back from eating more protein just to get carbs in, and because it's more pricy per calorie than other macros.

100g is about adequate for most people. 20g is only about 20%. There's obviously a big corporate agenda to downplay the importance of protein in the diet because if we ate adequate amounts of animal protein we wouldn't be eating so much processed corporate shit due to satiety. The corporate agenda is to keep people hungry and malnourished, because those are the types constantly snacking.

are you me?