Are "ab focused" exercises like leg raises a massive meme when it comes to sculpting abs?

Are "ab focused" exercises like leg raises a massive meme when it comes to sculpting abs?

Attached: Muscular-Man-Working-Out-His-Lower-Abs-With-Lying-Leg-Raises-Exercise.jpg (1109x614, 220.17K)

Abs are a muscle and should be worked like every other muscle. Of course, compound movements will still hit them, but adding an isolation always helps.

Just super set them to your pull ups or curls whatever. Weighted leg raises, lateral raises/lu raises, calf raises, wrist curls can be added as needed but all these bodyparts will get some (but not a lot of) hypertrophy just from compounds. If you care about abs then go for it.

Reverse Crunches are not bad

Idk, I squat heavier and more often and I feel like I have gained core gains from that alone

??? Are bicep curls massive meme when it comes to sculpting biceps?

Same answer

This. You can get decent biceps from compound movements alone, just like core. Depends what your goals are. Program accordingly

Cable crunches are what you want. Any of those ab exercises work when you add weight but cable crunches are just the easiest to add weight to. The key is really doing abs weighted.

same here desu

Planks are really good. Put a plate on your lower back, make sure your elbows are up past your head, squeeze your ass as hard as you can, and give er.

For me, it's weighted decline situps. By the way, are ab wheels a meme or actually good?

Leg raises use hip flexors dynamically and abs statically to stabilize, they aren't ab focused.

The term "sculpting abs" is a meme, bro.

planks are shit. world record planker looks dyel and even has shit abs. planks are a meme

Post body

People just do them wrong. If you just raise your legs it a hip flexor exercise. They really should be called butt raises

end it

>They really should be called butt raises
that just turns it into a lat thing surely?

Dragon flags are the only good ab focused leg raise.


>ab wheels
Theyll fucking wreck you the first time.