i genuinly fucking hate this game >le lose 50% health when you die haha >le flamelurker and the 2 faggot shit bosses >le world tendancy >le everything kills you in one hit and all enemies are gimicky af
fuck this piece of shit artificial difficulty game ill go back to kinoborne
Its the easiest souls game. Bosses have barely any variety with their moves.
Jaxon Davis
Dont forget your weapons do jack shit if they aren't the right type. Game sucks.
Isaac Wright
no other souls game steals 50% of your hp or has trash bosses like flamelurker and the 2 fags id rather play any other souls game its just shit game design to make the game harder when you die often no wonder they dropped this design philosophy going into the sequels
Charles Perry
>he couldn't find the cling ring in the first level
Jaxon Hill
>muh you need this item so the game becomes actually playable
if it was a good game i wouldnt need this ring
Tyler Peterson
its better than bloodbore, suckiro, elden ding-A-LING
Hudson Williams
Only thing I'll agree with is Tendency. Very shortsighted and underbaked mechanic.
Luke Mitchell
Huh, I wonder why the game developers thought to give you this item in the first level, before the first boss. A mystery. The world may never know.
Dominic Ortiz
I'm glad to see the same faggots who whinged about the gradual health loss in DaS2 for being a shitter are getting utterly BTFO here
>world is genuinely dangerous and has real consequences >nope dont like this, back to the samey rehashed dumbed down version
Ian Sullivan
bloodborne is simply more fun to play and leaves actual room for gameplay experimentation demon souls just throws the samey one hit kill enemies at you without any variety most of the time youre better off avoiding enemies also health items cost way too much and barely spawn
oh you want to fight this boss? well first die 10-20 times to them to learn their attack patterns dont forget to waste all your health items while doing so GREAT now you know how to fight the boss but oh no! your health items are empty and your health is so low you might aswell not try anymore how about you grind currency for 3 hours to get your health back?
>artificial difficulty Go back to generic youtube video essays
Brandon Richardson
no, bloodborne has bosses sperg out like retards because theres very little punishment for dying so they have to make everything hyper aggressive, but this doesnt work because souls games are piss easy anyways
Ryder Morgan
thats why bloodborne is better thou you die because you play bad unlike in demon souls where you die because the game devs want you to
Carson Foster
This is my primary complaint about DeS. You have to have access to fire and magic to make any headway, so your choices are either (a) pick Royalty class at start or (b) Go to 4-1 to get Magic Falchion and then get to 2-2 to make a Lava Bow.
Carson White
Demons Souls has always been a game for hipsters and youtube to flex they're smarter than you. Game is shit. Sorry. Try to get out what people actually like about this game and it's always vauge nonsense about muh atmosphere or feeling! lmao that should tell you all you need to know.
Isaac Martin
lmao git gud fa- >ill go back to kinoborne It's a false flag post.
Christian Cruz
the game does have absolutly great atmosphere i just hate the gameplay side of it
Angel Foster
you are supposed to do your first playthrough with a sword and board, and carefully crawl through the levels, then on repeat playthroughs you use crazier builds and weapons. it's a proper adventure instead of a boss rush.
Xavier Allen
fr fr bruh the bosses dont even do anime flips or 50 hit combos dawg this shit garbage af
Gavin Edwards
Oh god the bosses in this game..dragon god! fucking lol
Jacob Scott
uhhh I just fought this boss call the "false idol" and like, she came back? to life? uhhhh, WHAT?
Jordan Long
This game is hard :(
Brody Lee
just don't get hit?
Chase Miller
that's that artificial, trial and error, difficulty right there. You don't die because you messed up. You die because lol prepare to die lose your souls again and again ahahahaha!
Julian James
What are you talking about? Demon's Souls has good enemy variety. If anything it's Bloodborne that suffers from a lack of variety due to the streamlining of the combat system that turned every combat encounter into an R1 spam.
Dreglings are different from scale miners who in turn are different from mind flayers who are different from skeletons...etc
Aiden Bennett
impossible with bosses like flamelurker that have AOE damage just from touching them, shitty hitboxes and random attack patterns >stunlock him >he gets out randomly because and starts attacking you because? >stay behind him >he jumps back into you making you lose most of your health in an instant
bad game design
Carson Flores
>WHY CAN'T I STUNLOCK THE BOSS found the elden ring player
Jeremiah Carter
>demon souls >enemy variety
fcking kek the game has like 9 different enemies in total
Ian Peterson
>decide to emulate the online of the PS3 version >all worlds are on pure black tendency >come back the following day >all words are pure white now Not sure to understand everything but thanks i guess?
bad game design i can dodge all attacks with ease but i cant dodge attacks that come outa nowhere or AOE damage that isnt clearly televised
Gavin James
>He doesn't know how to play the game
Nolan Smith
>it's supposed to be bad you'll tell me it helps the atmosphere or something wont you? des fags i swear to god
Adrian Williams
>he didnt read a guide and looked up how to optimaly play the game!!! point at him and laugh!!!
i dont look up shit about any game that iam currently playing and never will if i cant beat a game without looking up a guide its bad simple as
Matthew Richardson
>JUST ATTACK THE BOSS AND DON'T GET HIT just attack the boss and don't get hit
Gavin Lopez
If you're having trouble with demon souls just use magic. It is UNBELIEVABLY broken in that game. You'll ruing the game for yourself if you use it though, just a fair warning
Camden James