You cannot refute this

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the left can't meme

As always, fpbp

mgs3 is the only game in that image that I consider to have a good story

fpbp kys OP

Both are shit

TLOU can't beat Mobile Suit Gundam (1979) in writing or drama
A literal toy propaganda anime

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based, OP BTFO

What is the average age of "people" who think TLOU2 is well written?

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based piratechad

this. this. a thousand times this.

why are snoys so fucking unfunny, is this all the estrogen they consume

Who the fuck is responsible for all of these fucking wojak filled strawman arguments? Is it a group or just one dedicated autist?

Attached: okuyascout.png (397x374, 218.55K)

TLoU2’s scenario isn’t fresh and new, it’s actually pretty cliche and generic, especially if you’ve watched any anime or played anime games

TLOU2's story is a shallow, hackneyed and adolescent approach to a "revenge bad" narrative written by a 40+ year old jewish man with an uncomfortable fixation on young lesbian teenagers and having men beaten up by musclebound women.
It's a story that is laughably melodramatic, and would be deemed excruciatingly manipulative if it its "gut punches" weren't so obvious as to render then undeserving of being defined as manipulation.
Like most hack media by disastrously untalented, nepotistic writers, its only method of elevating its new female character is to kill a beloved character, the protagonist no less, of the previous franchise. It then wastes no time trying to convince you a post-apocalyptic world full of badass, lone ranger women isn't laughably unlikely and even manages to include themes of gender identity - in a setting where this couldn't possibly be less meaningful. There is a particular sense of entitlement required to worry about this first world nonsense, in a society in which all of this left wing dogma would be immediately starved of any oxygen and supplanted by traditional, pragmatic communities that don't tolerate such childish behaviour.
Its biggest sin, however, is that it doesn't even remember that it is a video game. In a game about choices and consequences, you the player are never once permitted to choose anything. You are strapped in to watch a story about two miliquetoast, nothingburger characters stumble into an artificial conflict. All you can do is take delight and enjoyment in the systematic murder of faceless NPCs by your hand whilst the game simply pretends its own gameplay doesn't undermine its narrative.
In the final confrontation between the two main characters, the game finally gives you a choice - which ideology do you back, who is right? What are the consequences of this choice? Just kidding, this is actually a movie, and there was never a choice. Your only meaningful engagement with this interactive fiction is to never play it.

I'm sure it's equal to the average age of Neil Druckmann's circle of sycophants


Oh dear. There is more originality and genius in 1 hour of any Metal Gear than there is in the entirety of tlou.

TLOU2 honestly would have been fine if Ellie just let Abby go at the beach initially and didn't force that final fight between them. Her sparing Abby after they had almost killed each other felt weak. I liked the rest of the game though

>Killing a gorillion other people who did NOT beat Joel to death with a golf club can be excused if she just didn't force the final confrontation

Wasn't this the point though? Ellie is being a terrible and violent person by murdering her way through the WLF to get to Abby. The exact type of person Joel didn't want her to become. Ellie should not be excused for her obsessive bloodlust under any circumstances, and I don't think the game ever implied she should be.

Then the entire plot is wasted for a cheap gotcha. Because subversion of expectations is the big meme in filmmaking these days, as if even normalfags aren't fucking sick of it by now.

Doesn't Ellie kill a small army's worth of people by herself and the bad guy is presented as some mindless thug who kills Joel with a golf club because he had the audacity to not let her father perform horrific experiments on people?

I read that it some fucking autist that make comissions of those shit, and worse than that there is a fucking booru of wojacks.

>horrific experiments on people
They were going to use Ellie to make a cure. In the first game there's a bit more ambiguity on if it would have worked but Joel still did an incredibly selfish thing regardless.

>They were going to use Ellie to make a cure.
By killing her, which would be murder.

The story was the worst part of the game. Imagine having the best technical artists and one of the best stealth mechanics ever, and then ruining it because your mossad boss wants more agitprop. A polished turd. If you want a game that deals with the same themes (the cycle of revenge during an apocalypse) in a mature and interesting way, play Automata.

Is it true that those games at the bottom have 1 dimensional villains?

>Joel still did an incredibly selfish thing
so did the fireflies. there's a very good chance that ellie would've accepted giving up her life to make a cure, but they decided not to give her that choice and they paid for it. i can't fault joel for not entrusting the future of humanity to a group like that.