Is literally the best and the most advanced GTA title that was ever created

>Is literally the best and the most advanced GTA title that was ever created
How did rockstar do it?

Attached: SA_%28boxart%29.png (636x791, 640.22K)

old games had soul
and developers back actually cared

>Best radio stations
>Memorable story and characters
>Customizable vehicles
>3 distinct areas each with it's atmosphere
>Territorial gnag wars
>Actual roleplaying elements like building muscles and learning each gun's skill
>Fun minigames like gambling and billiards and the arcade machines
>The most missions out of all the GTAs
>Fun cheat codes

>The most missions
the most tutorials, too

The other GTAs don't even let you play as a cop and chase bad guys

Whats the best way to play it right now? Emulate PS2 version?

What? Vigilante missions are in 3 and VC, VC even gave you a bonus for killing crooks

Okay those are good too but why didn't newer ones have this?

It is literally not either of those things lmao.

Why does the original PS2 version feel more "robust" and "fuller" than even the pc version?

Do you know what I mean?

No that’s just your nostalgia.

It's the orange filter there's a mod for that

It was made by straight white men.

Probably the big amount of missing effect or higher resolution not masking the bad graphics

Kill yourself

IV had both vigilante and most wanted lists

PC version has more props/peds and better drawing distance i don't know what you mean

pc + ps2 restoration mod + 60fps/true widescreen mod

gnag wars i like i fight 3 wave of stupid ballas enemy guy men it say you clear and i say good morning green sirs i do this 52 more time to redeem los satnos

The co-op mode that isn't in any modern ports of the game.

>newer ones
There is no newer one. The last one is a decade old.

Pirating PC games is too much effort compared to emulating PS2 version. I'd buy the og PC version if it was still available for sale

>aerial combat against fighter jets
>best wanted system
>best weapon system. you can dual wield
>best hand to hand combat you can choose one of three fighting styles
>best character customization