Best Halo for Multiplayer on MCC?

I have the MCC on PC and I'm wondering which game Any Forums thinks has the best PvP multiplayer, right now I really only have experience with Reach.

Attached: chief.jpg (616x353, 59.59K)

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Reach custom games

CEA but you'll get your ass handed to you


People considered Halo 2 to be the best at the time (3 was seen as a minor downgrade), and 2 definitely is the tightest feeling gameplay-wise.
People are recommending CE and it *is* good, but imo it's the most unremarkable, besides having cool big team battle vehicle centric maps.
3 is also good, has a ton of custom games, tighter than Reach but not quite as tight as 2, but has arguably the best weapon and vehicle selection in the entire series.

My final answer is 2, followed by 3, followed by CE, but this is going off my memory of having played them, not based on how active the communities are on MCC.
You can also basically get the original PC version of Halo CE running for free with Halo Custom Edtion, with a bunch of multiplayer mods, custom campaigns, and arguably a more established playerbase for that game.

2 was never good, and 3 was boring
also the hit detection in 2 classic is broken and they've never bothered even trying to fix it

3 Because it's the only one that still has a population.
All other answers are wrong for the sole reason that you can only find game once in a blue moon.

>Bullets literally teleport into enemy players if you are looking down.
The fact that this got through to the live build should be enough to get 343 disbanded alone but I guess Phil Spencer is fuckbuddies with Bonnie Ross or something.
Not even the tip of the iceberg of 343 failures either.

I couldn't even find Halo 3 matches last time I tried searching it.

3. It's the most populated one.

what game mode? seems like anything outside of swat or teamslayer has always had longer wait times.

It was just Recon Slayer because I haven't played it since it was ranked.
If the playerbase doesn't want to play that mode, I want to have nothing to do with them.

Men of culture. HCE will always be the most balanced, rewarding and skilful halo out of all of them. Gunplay was rewarding and the pistol offered counterpart to every power weapon while not being too powerful (because of bullet spread). HCE's powerups are also the strongest in the series and gave players agency when equipped. Power weapons all had their specific niches and the rockets actually are good. Movement is a little meh but being able to crouch dodge a 3 shot and then 3shotting that same guy is a feeling that literally no other halo has successfully recreated (cause the rest of the games are actually ez mode baby's first fps)

>2 was never good
shiggy diggy sus
>3 was boring
it was slower compared to 2, sure

but man, that's a shame about MCC 2 though. I have played it and I don't recall any problems like that, but I played it recently and only a few games.

I miss the 2-layer OS so much. 343 claims that the Infinite one is a 350% shield boost, but that feels like bullshit.

>Halo 3's hit detection issues were fixed but they never fixed Halo 2's
The best version of Halo 2 at this point is modded Vista

Attached: 1661230770619.png (3817x1897, 1.2M)

Halo 3 only gets attention because it's the most popular, which creates a negative feedback loop of everything else being ignored because they're broken shit.

CEAhad the best big team battle imo, indestructable vehicles but anyone with a brain can shoot someone out of the drivers seat

much better than the paper mache vehicles in later games, or the free anti fun/win button the laser became

CE BTB just needed better maps and starting spawns.
Maybe disable the ability to splatter friendlies, but keep the instakills for enemies.

2a is just modded h4. also i really like reach mp but hate the forge assets. as for custom games reach>3>2a i would have 2a at the top for the map creation potential+scripting but i have no clue about the other titles since i never tried them on the mcc, and that I don't know how's the modding scene is on mcc. all ranking is based off vanilla experience.

H2A, while using Halo 4 as a base, does a lot to fix what Halo 4 started. Namely axing sprint and adding descope back. 2A is mostly held back by its horrid sound design and lack of maps.

booted up MCC and was waiting for a 3+reach team slayer match for 5 minutes before i quit the game

i see it's still garbage
how hard is it to have a 360 game functioning on pc

3 with reach sometimes being acceptable. Sadly 1 and 2 are laggy, full of spawncamping losers and have shit hit detection. We don't talk about 4

>brain cant handle an objective and killing at the same time
>enjoys getting shot in the back due to spawns
Good riddance. Slayer/tdm players are idiots

i had literally every game mode other than swat and snipers active because those nodes are gay, and couldn't find a match