The age of piracy is coming to an end

The age of piracy is coming to an end.

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I want to lick Ringo’s AI ass

Fuck this tranny industry
Ps4 was the beginning of the downfall

no one wants to pirate your tranime game

the age of the Orc has begun

No, it ain't. It's just that any game made after 2020 is shit so people have no reason to pirate any recent games.

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>wait till its on sale for like $15

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I'm not buying the game, and I won't wait for a sale either.
If you can't grab me from the first week, I'm a lost sale.

P5R will be the only sega denuvo game to ever get cracked these past 60 years

As long as that game fails I'm cool with it.

Another boring turn based glued to same place with zero real difficulty or strategy ("wow i will use right element against elemental weakness I'm a genius") braindead jrpg. I won't want to play it even if you'd pay me, personas are boring, smts are boring and this is boring and dogshit.

I pirate only fun to play games.

what happened?

Game gigaflopped and the publisher is trying to blame the denuvo instead of it being a really unappealing game.

According to who?

PS5: Uncracked
Xbox: Uncracked
PS4: Needs firmware backport
PC: Denuvo
Switch: Overpriced mod chips if you don't have a rare first-run Switch.

Yeah, keep making shitty games like this one, and i will stop pirating altogether.

>if you don't have a rare first-run Switch.
Ah yes. The rare 25 million Switchs. You had 2 years to get one.

got the game for 20 bucks and i used koalageddon to get all the DLCs for free.

Tranny game for tranny faggots

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>got the game for 20 bucks
which key site?

Will be fun to see this game suddendly getting praised for months once they announce the Switch port

Yeah I've been thinking that as well when Luffy finally finds the One Piece so many other pirates will lose their motivation for going out onto the seas
By become the King of the Pirates he will stop more pirates than the World Government ever could

It's TMS 2. The only people who are going to be praising this garbage on any platform are unironic shills

t. never played the game.

>Tell me why game

The only reason we aren't all pirating it is because there's no Switch version for everyone to play on emulators and hacked Switches. Not releasing your game on Switch is the strongest anti-piracy method.

You know, it's fine for Atlus to release smaller-budget, experimental MegaTen spin-offs in-between the big titles like mainline Persona and SMT, but they really shouldn't give them the same $60+DLC pricetag and set expectations as high by saying it's supposed to be a new third pillar of MegaTen like P5 and SMTV. SH2 would be a lot more accepted then.

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