Buy game

>buy game
>have to download 100gbs because of fucking voice acting
god i hate this trend so fucking much

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100gbs or 500, who the fuck cares lmao

>buy game
>have to download 100gbs because of fucking optional DLC
god i hate this trend so fucking much

>Limited data plans
Games being too big is still gay but fuck you're a faggot OP.

even my 3rd world shithole has unlidata plans what 4th world country are you living in

>limited data internet
LMAO it's your fault,also why?

it's the price we pay for insanely fast internet speeds.
i can download steam games at 8MB/s, what about you, shitskin?

I live in third world and have 30MB/s through fiber

Please stop embarrassing my country. Any Forums is gonna laugh at me again.

I live in albania and I get 60 mb/s lmao

I feel bad for you

Please fell me you're trolling user. For the love of god, tell me you're trolling. That's 2006 speeds.

I actually literally hate voice acting and its even worse when its multi-audio shit just for frogs and germans.

I yearn for the old days of text only. Writing has so much more potential when you don't have to pay someone 800 trillion dollars just for the privilege to use his famous name as a voice

i get 60MB/s too, retard. that's the advertised speed. i'm talking about the actual download speed that you get when you download shit off of steam or microsoft.
you don't actually get 60MB/s when you download something. it's actually like 5-10MB/s.

>Oblivion has more hours of voice dialog than most games
>It's sub-8gb

user, my "actual" speed as you call it is way above 100Mbs on bad days.
Stop embarrassing yourself. You're paying for a double shit service, low speeds AND limit.

I get the full 60 mb/s on steam. Sometimes it varies between 55-60 but that's normal. I think you're being scammed lmao, valve servers can support way more than 5 mb/s

>akshually is good because...
ok then why are you seething about "muh downloads" in the op? You're gay, bro

Do Americlaps really have data caps?

I don't, OP's just a retard getting gypped

just buy physical games, whats so complicated about that? you do support the only consumer friendly option right?

>ISPs managed to convince the whole world internet is a limited resource
Fucking kikes.

>the whole world
no ISPs have caps where I live, you just pay based on the speed you want

Leaf here, I don't have a monthly cap.

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I get 1000/1000 with 90MB/s no data cap for 30€

look, an actual retard!

The world follows America whether you like it or not.

>user doesn't know the difference between Mb and MB

No limited data here, I just don't have such a big hard drive.
Luckily, I don't play AAA garbage often, so it's rarely a problem.